Reflections of the day [09.03.2024]


Emotional dependence

What happens when you're not detached? Imagine this: every gesture, every word, every behavior of the other person affects you deeply, to the point of preventing you from living a normal day. Even if on the surface you seem calm, inside it's an emotional storm. You measure your worth and mood by the way this person treats you and talks to you. So, this emotional dependence is the royal road to perpetuating abuse and embarking on a path of self-destruction.

Detachment is the exact opposite of this. It means that your self-worth, your emotional state, all these things no longer depend on that person. You define your emotional state, you define your self-worth. You learn to control your emotions, not by becoming impassive, because we're all human, but by quickly calming internal tensions.

By adopting this new posture, you'll gradually begin to achieve a state of healthy indifference, a strength that will enable you to maintain your limits while remaining strong and resilient.

Permanent guilt

We're good at feeling guilty about anything and everything, so I invite you to let go of that guilt. You have the right to make choices. You have the right to think about yourself.


When we have low self-esteem or low self-confidence, it's highly likely that we look outside ourselves for validation. That is, rather than having confidence in ourselves, in our skills, in our worth, we're going to need the attention of others and for others to tell us that, indeed, we're a good person, that we're valuable, that we know how to do things well.

As if you weren't capable of self-validation. And the problem with always needing the external validation of others to feel good is that, in the end, you're always going to be dependent on the gaze of others to feel comfortable and balanced.

This often means developing your self-esteem, to understand that you can be your own reservoir of love, attention and validation. But it also requires you to rework your beliefs, which are sometimes very deep-rooted.

Human psychology

If you really want to advance and go deeper and deeper into this jungle of human psychology, you're going to need to stick with it over the long haul. So my advice to you really is, when you start to get bored of studying something, when you break your head on a book, put it aside and you'll pick it up again later, or maybe you'll never pick it up again.

But make sure you go and see something different. Psychology is vast enough and developed enough that you'll find something that interests you, I'm absolutely sure. So, above all, don't get disgusted, keep that spark, because that's what's going to keep you going over the long haul.

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To confirm your authorship of the content, could you please add the link to your Hive blog to your well-established "physical science teacher" professional account like Linked, Twitter, etc (which has not been recently created).

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I didn't understand you!!! What website are you talking about ? I don't have any website and I don't use social networks ! The decentralization of the Hive encouraged me to participate, and to create and share content based on my passions for human psychology.

Thanks for your reply.
Some of the content published by you gives all signs of being AI-generated.

Thanks for your reply.
Some of the content published by you gives all signs of being AI-generated

NOT AT ALL I swear that my content is not generated by artificial intelligence. I use chatgpt from time to time to help me correct a few spelling mistakes, that's all. But if I didn't even have to do that I wouldn't, I can share my content even if there will be spelling mistakes.

The free Grammarly version is good enough to correct spelling.

(You were not blacklisted).

free Grammarly

Thank you so much for your recommendation ;-)

Hello @genesung

We kindly ask you to familiarize yourself with the community rules, which you find at the beginning of the feed on the right side. This way you will see what we want our fellow authors to comply with, such as the number of words, the feeling or emotion clearly identified in the title, etc. In this way you will be able to see the valuable effort we all make to deliver quality content. Here are also some references that you may find useful:🔍

Emotions & Feelings community theme.
Guide to publishing Emotions & Feelings community

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We are sure that by applying those suggestions we will be able to see you here again bringing quality content, as expressed in rule number 3 of our community. ⚖️

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