Superando los Miedos // Overcoming Fears

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Saludos queridos hivers, feliz inicio de semana, me complace estar en esta comunidad de emociones y sentimientos donde puedo expresar lo que siento y sentirme acompañada de ustedes en cada publicación con sus comentarios y consejos que me ayudan a mejorar cada día.

Hoy les quiero hablar de un tema que es muy importante para mí y que de alguna manera ha afectado mi vida, el miedo, un sentimiento que me llena de angustia y que a veces aparece de la nada y me atormenta. Hace 18 años sobreviví al cáncer y a pesar de que ha pasado mucho tiempo no he podido superar el miedo a volver a enfermar, me aterra el solo pensarlo. Solo quién ha pasado por el cáncer sabe lo que se siente ese miedo de recaer y tener que volver a pasar por todo el tratamiento, casi un año de quimioterapias.


Luego que me diagnosticaron pasé por momentos muy difíciles, la quimioterapia es horrible, recuerdo que al pisar la puerta de entrada de la cínica a recibir el tratamiento ya mi mente y mi cuerpo reaccionaban, comenzaba a sentirme mal y la enfermera me regañaba porque me decía que todavía no había comenzado a pasar los químicos por mí cuerpo y ya yo estaba vomitando. Cuando el cáncer desapareció fue un momento agridulce, por un lado yo estaba aliviada y feliz y por otro lado apareció mi miedo a que volviera, ya no veía la vida igual, comencé a regalar mis cosas y quedarme con solo lo necesario, en mi mente me estaba preparando para morir a pesar de que ya estaba en remisión.

El miedo es un sentimiento muy malo, te aísla y no te permite disfrutar de la vida, en cualquier momento puede aparecer. Para superar ese miedo sentí que debía hablar sobre lo que sentía, era una carga muy pesada para mí sola. Un día tomé la decisión de conversar con mi esposo y quitarme la máscara de felicidad, compartir mi miedo con él, expresarle todo lo que estaba sintiendo. Fue una larga conversación y hubo muchas lágrimas, pude drenar todo lo que tenía en mi cabeza y me estaba atormentando, esto realmente me ayudó porque él me apoyó y me reconfortó en mis momentos de crisis, ya no estaba sola.


Otra cosa que también me ayudó mucho fue salir a caminar y mantenerme ocupada cuando sentía que mi miedo se estaba instalando en mi mente. Con el tiempo aprendí que cosas funcionaban para mí y cuáles no. A veces mi miedo vuelve, sobre todo cuando me siento mal o necesito ir médico para un examen, suelo posponerlo por mucho tiempo por temor a una mala noticia, pero puedo superarlo y pensar de manera racional.

Me gustaría decirles que sea el miedo que tengan no dejen que los domine, busquen ayuda si sienten que la necesitan, encuentren eso que funcione para ustedes y pónganlo en práctica, recuerden que no están solos y cuentan con personas que los quieren y seguro está allí para apoyarlos. Me despido de ustedes, abrazos.


English Version:

Greetings dear hivers, happy start to the week, I am pleased to be in this community of emotions and feelings where I can express what I feel and feel accompanied by you in each publication with your comments and advice that help me improve every day.

Today I want to talk about a subject that is very important to me and that has somehow affected my life: fear, a feeling that fills me with anguish and that sometimes appears out of nowhere and torments me. 18 years ago I survived cancer and despite the fact that a long time has passed I have not been able to overcome the fear of getting sick again, just thinking about it terrifies me. Only those who have gone through cancer know what that fear of relapsing and having to go through all the treatment again feels like, almost a year of chemotherapy.


After I was diagnosed, I went through very difficult times, chemotherapy is horrible, I remember that when I stepped into the entrance door of the clinic to receive treatment, my mind and body reacted, I began to feel bad and the nurse scolded me because she told me that the chemicals had not yet begun to pass through my body and I was already vomiting. When the cancer disappeared it was a bittersweet moment, on the one hand I was relieved and happy and on the other hand my fear appeared that it would return, I no longer saw life the same, I began to give away my things and keep only what was necessary in my mind I was preparing to die even though I was already in remission.

Fear is a very bad feeling, it isolates you and does not allow you to enjoy life, it can appear at any time. To overcome that fear, I felt that I had to talk about what I felt, it was a very heavy burden for me alone. One day I made the decision to talk to my husband and remove my mask of happiness, share my fear with him, express everything I was feeling. It was a long conversation and there were many tears, I was able to drain everything that was in my head and it was tormenting me, this really helped me because he supported me and comforted me in my moments of crisis, I was no longer alone.


Another thing that also helped me a lot was going for walks and keeping myself busy when I felt like my fear was taking over my mind. Over time I learned what worked for me and what didn't. Sometimes my fear comes back, especially when I feel bad or need to go to the doctor for an exam, I usually put it off for a long time for fear of bad news, but I can get over it and think rationally.

I would like to tell you that it is the fear that you have, do not let it dominate you, seek help if you feel you need it, find what works for you and put it into practice, remember that you are not alone and you have people who love you and they are surely there to support them. I say goodbye to you, hugs.


Fotos de mi propiedad tomadas con mi celular Redmi 9, editadas con PowerPoint y Photoshop CS5 // Texto traducido por Google Translate.

Photos of my property taken with my Redmi 9 cell phone, edited with PowerPoint and Photoshop CS5 // Text translated by Google Translate.



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Thank God you overcome fears, fear is cancer worm itself that kills before the real death .So good to hear that you stick to what really woks for you and you okay now.

It's a constant struggle with my fear, but now I can handle it and I feel good, thanks for your support, greetings my friend.

You're most welcome.
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¡Oh querida @maeugenia! lo primero es que la Sangre de Cristo te proteja y te mantenga sana 🙏. Te entiendo perfectamente, solo quien ha pasado por situaciones iguales o similares entiende un miedo de esa magnitud, por eso te entiendo completamente...mi madre pasó por ese calvario y yo junto a ella, fueron muchas cosas que se atraviesan aparte de las es nada sencillo. Pon todos tus miedos en manos de Dios mantente ocupada en lo que te gusta y vive tus dias disfrútalos al máximo, la vida es hermosa. ¡Un abrazo!

Muchas gracias amiga por tus lindas palabras,el miedo a volver a enfermar es algo que he aprenido a manejar, pero te cuento que cuando me siento enferma de alguna gripe u otra cosa se encienden las alrmas y me da terror ir al médico, odio y me asusta hacermd un exámen. Abrazos.

I just love this article, so informative. The part i love must is where you opened up to your husband and talked about your issue. Many people are dying and silence and pretending to be happy. But opening up and telling others how you feel is a step to healing.

I shared your interesting story on threads so others would see it.

Talking to someone about your fears helps you share that heavy burden that overwhelms you, it worked for me. Greetings and many hugs from Venezuela.

This is powerful. Am glad you survived cancer. You must have battled with it. I could remember how it took away my brother's wife 2 years ago. And just as you kindly say, sharing our feelings with those that really love us helps to calm our veins. Honestly, fear kills more than any sickness. Congratulations dear.

Cancer is a horrible disease, it affects not only the patient but the whole family, that is why it is important to express feelings and support each other. I'm sorry about your sister-in-law, it's very sad that she hasn't been able to overcome this illness, Regards, friend.

Sharing is caring. We usually say here that "a problem shared is half solved" I like the idea that you decided to summon courage and share your feelings with your husband. That indeed is a right step to your complete healing. Thank God for your life. I'm motivated by your story not to allow fear take overly control of me. Thanks.

Sharing fears and talking about them is paramount. Never let fear win, life is beautiful and you have to live it to the full, without fears that affect your day.

First of all I must commend you for your efforts in overcoming the dreaded illness "cancer". Fear can be addictive and that's very bad, but sharing your experience with us can be strengthening. You did not tell us the type of cancer you had, and how long it lasted before you got well. Sorry about the inconveniences the cancer/treatment caused you. It's good to have a supportive husband and family members, plus, I see some beautiful/handsome faces.

I am lucky to have a wonderful husband and daughter, they are always there to support me, my daughter is about to graduate as a doctor and she is always taking care of me. I had Hodgkin lymphoma and the treatment lasted a year. Thanks for the support and hugs from Venezuela.

Thank you for your reply and answering my question, I'm honoured. That name VENEZUELA brings back happy memories of my childhood. I like that name * VENEZUELA* A country of great people.