The Daily Qurator #1483

in Qurator2 months ago

DQ jan copy.jpg

Welcome to the 1483rd Edition of the Daily Qurator here on Hive! Our team is looking left and right for the awesome posts from all Hive users and are looking forward to feature and curate some great content. Every day we will feature 6 awesome posts picked by our curators.

Qurator's team picks - 2nd of May 2024.

ARCHITECTURE IN A SQUARE #27 - A new entry for #photographylovers
by @lukasbachofner

"Ein bisschen Farbe ist sicher nicht schlecht. Darum habe ich nun angefangen meine quadratischen Bilder der Wolkenkratzer und architektonisch interessanten Gebäude, welche ich bei Fototouren in meiner Umgebung und auf Reisen aufgenommen habe, auch in Farbe zu bearbeiten. Dazu eignen sich meiner Meinung nach am besten Fotos, welche ich bei schönem Wetter, blauem Himmel und verspielten, lockeren Wolkenbilder geknipst habe."

Post curated by: @ackhoo

Exploring the Beauty of the Garlic Wood
by @ellenripley

"Parking up at the side of the road, we entered the wood to be met with a lovely carpet of wild garlic with little white flowers. Someone who had been foraging earlier on, was just leaving with a basket of garlic leaves. If you do pick the garlic, you should just pick the leaves and not the whole plant with the bulb as obviously the plant won't return next year."

Post curated by: @ewkaw

Garden escape
by @plantfuljourney

"Normally, we don't have any visitors in our garden, but our friends with their kids came to see us yesterday. The kids were so excited to harvest some radishes and leeks. They also helped with watering which was not really needed, but we wanted to keep them occupied."

Post curated by: @ewkaw

Working at ease ESP/ENG
by @egoaquiles

"From my perspective, I can completely understand her position, but I can also put myself in the shoes of this supposed photographer because I understand that it is not easy to have smooth communication with all models, and also, the photographer, being shielded behind the camera lens, can suggest or reinforce their intentions in a disrespectful way. It's very likely that he had good intentions, but this wasn't what Valentina felt, and she trusted herself more."

Post curated by: @brumest

Monomad:blooming flowering plants and one of the beautiful shrub cicada type insects
by @furkanmamplam

"Today I tried to combine several different types of images in my post, because I saw after photographing several different objects in me putting together will look more perfect, flowers, plants and crickets are one of the complete packages in my opinion, because when plants start flowering, of course crickets will really like flowers."

Post curated by: @brumest

Street Photography in the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona
by @alcibiades

"You can recognize the coastal city by the narrow streets of the "old town" which gothic quarter essentially is. It's there from the roman times and it developed its spirit through centuries. Usually these cities by the sea have a neighborhood with narrow streets and old buildings that give it its charm, or is it just me?"

Post curated by: @ackhoo

@qurator does not explicitly or implicitly endorse third parties opinions or statements in the Daily Qurator. Any statements made in these posts are the author's and curator's own opinion.

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Qurator Competitions

22.pngWeekly Fun Competition
Mischievous Mondays
USgKoryE83iyNs4LG1RhdfteSmeidYjNFY66UnfC68Z51BAp51jiZnUxTpPzaDjeR7beKvWBsphyjFVJpm5CuL.pngWeekly Cooking Competition
Hive Top Chef
7DceLgR4szFwuz7CAHs19JsfqtMKwxDmgzo1nicPT5tDgv48VYtNCWLUX6JSjRBZwrcHMN6zvxx1bwuXp7J78.pngWeekly Photography Quest
Photo Quest

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Delegation links for @qurator

We pay out 80% of all curation to those who delegate, that includes the curation of the stake that @qurator holds. Daily payouts in the form of liquid Hive.

After you click the link you will have to check the value, click next and then enter your Hive NAME and Private Active Key to delegate.
Please remember to leave at least 50HP in your account and that new delegations overwrites the old one. Always use the total amount you want to delegate.
If you need assistance to delegate other amount, please contact us on Discord

The Qurator project is brought to you by:

@scrooger | @ewkaw | @brumest | @ackhoo
Cover graphics by: @cheer-up

Like what we do? Consider voting for us as a Hive witness.

Active Witness rank: 61


Thank you. 🙏

Thanks very much, guys!

Congratulations everyone. 👏👏👏

A few great photographers featured and supported, well done!