
Lol...Yeah so would do that...In fact I was surprised to see very little of that sort of thing there. It was cool to wander about there though, I could get used to this #urbex stuff.

I can see you slobbering at the chops very soon!! You will be a new man!

Lol. Still old, but new.

New is the you old. Wait, I mean... New is the new old!

That's doesn't sound right either. Something is the new something that makes everything groovy! Yeah!

You doing Dr. Good Success poetry now?

We win. tOgether.

I have put on weight for the role and everything!

Lol...Even all this time later that phrase still makes me cringe We win together. What a tool bag.

A bit of weight won't do it mate, you need to rearrange that dashingly handsome face of yours too mate.