 2 years ago  

Same here my friend as my biggest fear is to sit old and suffering with an amputated left leg in a wheel chair. Having others to bath me and wiping me when I I need the toilet. A horror methinks.

Cheers and thanks.

Yep, I have told my kids that in such a case they should take me on a walk somewhere on a high cliff and "accidentally" loosen the brakes of my wheelchair 😂 !LOLZ

Maybe you like a !PIZZA fresh from the Oven 😋

 2 years ago  

Totally illegal and coming from a senior police officer I am shocked. They call it "assisted suicide: and I think that it will be much better if you get a battery operated wheelchair.
Then you can pop out and go and challenge some big trucks, or park on a railway line to wait for a train.
And you will even be able to take some photos of the mountains while you wait for the train 😜 !LOLZ

Cheers and thanks.

You're right, of course, and I am sure they will not do it anyway, but that battery charged wheelchair is a good idea. I'll have to keep that in my mind 😉
... and I could take some photos of the train coming closer and closer ... 🤣 !LOLZ

Maybe you like a !PIZZA fresh from the Oven 😋

 2 years ago  

Gravestone reading; "Here lies several pieces of a man that loved photography so much that he dared to face a train to get an NFT best selling photo" 🤣 !LOLZ

Cheers and thanks.

... and a photo of this gravestone will make millions. I only hope that you take that photo, because all in all the train thing was your idea and copyright 🤣 !LOLZ

Maybe you like a !PIZZA fresh from the Oven 😋

 2 years ago  

Oh yes, it will be my first verrrry big NFT sale, but I will bury a 10% tithe of the sale in you grave right next to the headstone 🤣 !LOLZ

Cheers and thanks.

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