Mozart and Brain Storms

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago (edited)

They say that music soothes the soul, something I've often experienced and I'm sure many of you as well.


Subsequent to writing Facing the Storm,
my awesomely kind doctor who initially suspected that I was having seizures which was confirmed by the neurologist, asked me a strange question...

Have you heard of the Mozart effect?

I had never heard of this and being one who has verbal diarrhea, I enthusiastically told her of my love of classical music and how hubby and I used to attend symphonic concerts in the gracious Durban City Hall.

Durban city hall.jpg
Durban City Hall was designed to be a close replica of the City Hall in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

The good doc knows her patient loves blabbing on, so she patiently listened and when I was finished she went on to tell me something amazing that I'd like to share with you all today.
The Mozart effect is studies that were done where they found that a particular Sonata that Mozart wrote, called Mozart's Sonata for Two Pianos in D Major K 448 reduces seizures in patients with Epilepsy.
I however am merely experiencing seizures, and the difference is explained very well in It's all in your head, literally!.
My doctor believes that listening to this Sonata may just help me, so it's worthwhile trying it.

What is a Seizure?

A seizure is a burst of uncontrolled electrical activity between brain cells (also called neurons or nerve cells) that causes temporary abnormalities in muscle tone or movements (stiffness, twitching or limpness), behaviors, sensations or states of awareness. Seizures are not all alike.


My simple understanding from what the doc told me is that it is the musical form or structure of K448 that contributes to the therapeutic effect it has on reducing seizures; something only found in that particular Mozart Sonata!
It's a long piece, around 25 minutes, but apparently in the studies they have even found it beneficial just listening to around 8 minutes of this Sonata.
I was surprised at the fast tempo of the opening movement!

If you are interested in finding out more about the scientific studies you can read about it here.

I have to see the neurologist again and hope he'll be happy with my brain's response to the medication
I fortunately have not experienced another seizure for almost a month, only the occasional disturbing metallic smell even though I've been taking the anticonvulsants for just over three weeks now, so I'm holding my breath as it's very scary both for me but more so for my family.


I now am on a mission, and that is to learn more about the power of music therapy, and hope to share some of my experience with you, but for now, my bedtime story every night is listening to two pianos playing Mozart's Sonata in D major - K 448 :)

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Yes, music is the best medicine, so interesting that article on the Mozart sonata, I devoured it, we are still learning a lot about the impact on the brain, I am happy to hear that it's been getting better for almost a month now, I would suggest you to find some good dagga to get in infusion 😁, it will go well with the Mozart! Take care!

 3 years ago (edited) 

I think I should follow your advice, a friend told me to get cbd oil but I'm not even having a glass of wine at the moment with the medication making me feel a bit woozy!
Durban has the best poison, I should grow my own, but imagine me being arrested by a guest as the police also use our bnb at times, the scandal!🤣🤣🤣

but imagine me being arrested by a guest as the police also use our bnb at times, can you imagine the scandal🤣🤣🤣

Any publicity is good publicity Lizelle 😄 the business will soar.

 3 years ago  

LOL, good one! I never thought of that @edprivat😅😅😅

What a beautiful post @lizelle . Although I am learning now about the problem you are facing, and I am sorry you have to go through it, the advice you got is awesome. Listening to this Mozart sonata!?! Excellent, many studies around the effects of music composed by Mozart, but I didn't know exactly this sonata is so important. I will thoroughly read the article you shared, thank you! Your post opens even more topics in my mind!

I hope you will get through this experience with seizures and your neurologist will see improvements in the response to the medication. 🤗

 3 years ago  

Thank you so very much for the good wishes; yes I was very surprised and thankful to my doctor. I would never have known about this nor thought about looking at music therapy!
It's very interesting that this specific piece helps to reduce seizures!

I used to listen to classical music every day of my life even as a teen, with the Beatles thrown in as well as I was a late 60s teen;)
Then when I had babies, life got in the way, so I'm now catching up on all the years of not listening while tapping away at my computer!

That is my old piano in the first pic, needs to be repaired so I can't play it any longer, something I also miss.

I'm really hoping that this all goes away or at least stays under control, but music is what I'm listening to again and that Sonata of course is my bedtime lullaby;)

Love it! Retweeted your tweet, now following you on Twitter. How awesome is this:

I now am on a mission, and that is to learn more about the power of music therapy, and hope to share some of my experience with you, but for now, my bedtime story every night is listening to two pianos playing Mozart's Sonata in D major - K 448 :)

Music soothes the soul - and heals the body - why not? Thank you for this, and know that so many of us are wishing you well, in the active sense of wishing/praying/beaming good intentions.

 3 years ago  

AH thank you @carolkean, I really appreciate your good wishes and prayers, much needed now. This has been a real scary experience, but I'm so thankful for the music now!
I'm sure music therapy will help you as well after the loss of your sister!
Take care of yourself too!

What a journey you are on @lizelle, one that of course you would never have suspected in a million years to be taking. Life does this to you doesn't it? It pops the most challenging of tests on our way, some of whom we can definitely do without. But interestingly you have long been into music. Hearing that Mozart's Sonata has such a healing effect on one's epilepsy is amazing. I bet when Mozart was creating this particular piece he would never have thought of this.
Enjoy your music therapy. Wishing you happiness and wellness.

 3 years ago  

Thank you for your very warm and kind wishes @angiemitchell! You've certainly hit the nail on the head, I would never have thought that I'd ever experience something like this, but am really enjoying rekindling my love of classical music!

This is very interesting @lizelle, I'm hearing now and I feel curious if I could feel any change, by now I'm happy because it was a long time since the last classical song I heard, didn't know that I was missing it.

 3 years ago  

I was the same, had not listened to the classics for ages, I'm so thankful that my doctor told me about this as I'm now listening to music again!

 3 years ago  

Hi, Lizelle @lizelle I am really sorry to hear about the problems, and wouldn't that be amazing if music therapy was the right answer for you? I read that brainwave activity in people with epilepsy tended to synchronize more with the music, especially in the temporal lobe, than in people without epilepsy.

Who knew?

Take care of yourself, pretty lady! ❤️

 3 years ago  

Thank you so much Denise! I really find just listening to some of the therapeutic albums on YouTube helps me relax at least, as it's been a scary experience! Thankfully for my family I just zone out with open eyes, no thrashing about, but it's still frightening for them to see.
It's quite amazing what music can do but when I first heard this sonata it was not what I was expecting as it starts off at such a fast tempo! Both hubby and I fall asleep listening to it; it's around 25 min long!
I really appreciate your kind words sweet lady💞

 3 years ago  

Hugs! ❤️

Oh wow sorry to hear about the discomfort you have had. I am really happy to hear about the Mozart effect though and I'm glad it's helping. I used to listen to classical music when I was very young and it helped me sleep. I think it's time to try again. I need it for my nerves.

I wish you well my friend.😌

 3 years ago (edited) 

There are many albums on YouTube offering all kinds of therapeutic music so I turn it on while working on my computer or playing on my phone.
It's been quite a scary experience as no one in our family has ever had this!
Thank you Carolyn, but you must take care of yourself too and try listening more to music💞

 3 years ago  

Music definitely soothes the soul @lizelle, it changes ones mood, I have tried it. Very interesting post my friend. Thanks for sharing.

 3 years ago  

It certainly has a positive effect on one's mood, there's a ton of therapeutic music on YouTube that Iisten to while working on my pc. Thank you my friend ❤️

Music always make your mind relaxed. There are some Spa in my town where classic music always played to treat some mental and stressed person.
They treat them with ayurveda with blend of music.

 3 years ago  

I just love the music they play at some of the spas I've been to over the years, always so relaxing!
Thank you @sand126

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