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in Silver Bloggers2 years ago

Ah! Food that will make any man happy, except the green tea as it tastes like radiator water 😉
I am mainly a coffee guy, but understand that tastes differ.
During a working trip in Namibia I sat on the top of a sand dune on a very hot day gazing out at the ocean when an old gentleman came to sit near me. He must have seen that I was suffering in the heat and he offered me his flat silver flask for a drink.
I thought that it was hooch and told him that I don't drink alcohol.

He said that it wasn't and I took a sip of bitter tea!
Disgusted, but mannered I handed the flask back to him thanking him and then a strange thing happened. I started to feel better.
So one cannot cut a man by his cloth according what he drinks 🤣

Thank you for your great support to our cause and Shalom to you guys.



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I asked my dog what's two minus two.
He said nothing.

Credit: reddit
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 2 years ago  

Oh Pap, you are so funny, green tea can be sweetened with some honey and it would taste great even to you the coffee drinker, but green tea is so healthy for you, we have been drinking it for years.

I hope you and your wife are healthy and happy, Bob and I speak of you often, we admire you both. I just love your photography and the wonderful work you do. May God bless you everyday.

 2 years ago  

Hahaha, laughter is the best medicine in my book Lady Robin.
I promise tat I will give green tea a go (with honey) and maybe it will improve the taste. My gran used to tell us that everything that is bitter is good for us 😉

Thank you for the kind words and I know that they come from your hearts and please know that you and Bob are also in our prayers.
Shalom and blessings also to you guys.


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 2 years ago  

Hello my friend, I can't seem to keep up with my hive pals as much as I should, but please know you are always in my thoughts and prayers also. I have been distracted by Bob's upcoming surgery so quick after his hip replacement, but he is strong and I will stay positive.
Who am I to complain? There are so many others that suffer n this world, I just cry sometimes, it hurts my heart.
Why can't we all just see the big picture and realize, we are all children of God.

May this find you well, happy and hopeful.
Much love, Robin

 2 years ago  

I think that it's better for him to have it done now rather than later when he is older.
At this stage it seems that I will have to have it done when I am older, as I hope that by then we can afford it. But the Lord knows when it will be done.
Your positivity is indeed a very good weapon.

Tears cleanses the soul my friend and I adore your care for others.
Sadly while the dark prince of the air rules the peoples eyes will be blinded by greed and strife. So the big picture will remain obscure.

Thank you for the kind wishes Lady Robin and may all also be well with you and Bob in this life.