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RE: Blog of the Week winners and new topic deadline: 26 July 2021

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

Nope Hannes, I don't think that I will have "One day flies" on my menu and you mountain goats eat funny things 🤣

Living food ??? Never heard of that and I don't like to eat things that are alive. In fact, I make sure that whatever I eat is as dead as a door nail 💀

Cheers and thanks.


There's not much to eat in the mountains - most we have rocks and moss, and so some meat inbetween is nice to have 😉
Haha, I would love to know how many midges you have eaten in your life. I have eaten quite some when I was outdoors and let the front door open for them. I also remember 2 wasps when I was drinking beer from the bottle. Luckily I drank faster than they realized where hey were, so they ended in my stomach without stinging me 😁

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

 3 years ago  

Oh yeah, a nice change from the moss methinks.
Yes, when I first had my bike, helmets was not compulsary and I had a tin of insects stinging my face on the road.
Hahaha, that must have been so funny and maybe the poor wasps are still swimming around somewhere inside you 🤣

Cheers and thanks.

Ah yes, I forgot you have told me before that you rode without a helmet. Of course you must have eaten quite some of these and sometimes came home without being hungry 🤣
It's a weird feeling when you feel one in your mouth. Once I spit one out, but the others I quickly swallowed before they could sting me. They must have died happily and drunk 😁

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

 3 years ago  

Thank goodness that I could not gain any weight, else I would have been fat from all of the eats 🤣

Live things in one's mouth is normally a weird feeling and they only wanted to inspect your tonsils. A bottle of whiskey in your stomach will kill any insect, but you were kind to make them drunk before they died 😉

Cheers and thanks.

You never ate a living rainworm just for fun to see the other kids faces? ... I didn't drink alcohol in this young age back then 😂🐛

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

 3 years ago  

That's old hat my friend, but my daughter will tell you how her kids screamed when I put a large live frog into my mouth 🤣
Same here, as my serious drinking started when I began to work in the construction trade.

Cheers and thanks.

You win, my friend, this time you win by far 🤣

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

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