
Hahaha, I am laughing because our police here also employ security companies.
But then again so do the politicians as everyone wants body guards and 24 hour security at their free homes.
Security is a huge business in this country.

Amazing about the many different dialects, but I suppose that most people can understand English or German?
Else they would not be able to communivate across the dialects?

Cheers and thanks!

Cheers and thanks!

There are special police units for the few politicians here which need security.

Of course everyone speaks German here, but there are dialects which I would not understand, at least not everything 😉

Cheers and !BEER

Most of our special police units have been disbanded, because they investigated the corrution cases too vigorously.This opened the doors for the thieves ☹️

We are in the same boat here with all of our national languages, if everyone had to speak in their own language it will be the Tower of Babel 🤣

Cheers and thanks!

Yes, I think we are a lot different from your police and government.

Having so many languages as you have must be quite complicated sometimes.

Cheers and !BEER

Your country sounds as it should be Hannes.
Law and order is absolutely neccessary if a country wants to be stable.
Here the police have become hated and rampaging mobs backed by sinister forces sow havoc every day. 3 big buses have been destroyed by fire this week thus far.

Very complicated with the languages here my friend.

I now have to say a hearty Good Night to you here Hannes 🙂
The orders for the feeding project is waiting for me and I have to sort them out before the morning.

Hope that you guys will have a restful sleep my friend!

At least our country is not as corrupt as many other countries, I think, and we don't have such rage and hate over here.

Good morning Zac, I hope you have found some hours of good sleep too 😊

Cheers and !BEER

Hi Hannes,

I greeted you in a previous reply already.

Yeah, corruption can certainly destroy any country and we have a very sad history about greed. I have my fears that it will never change as the temptations are just too many. 😞

Cheers and thanks!

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