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RE: Ugly weather and beautiful things!

You're very welcome, @papilloncharity 🙂

Two posts might have been a good idea, but I think it is one story, or you could have made a sequel story: first the clouds and then the second part of the story with the bird photos.
But as you said, it was done and these eyes of the bird are amazing and you were really lucky to spot them in daylight 👍🙂

Cheers and !BEER


That's how we learn Sir @johannpiber 🙂
I still have 9 points to go to get to the (80) rep.
Maybe by that time I will know what I am doing hahaha.

I think when I will reach rep 80 I will celebrate my 80th birthday too 👨‍🦳. Since rep 70 it goes so very slow, but at the time I'm also posting less, so this might also be a reason ;)
It's like falling with your bike - on the Hive we also learn from our mistakes, but mostly they don't hurt very much 😉

Cheers and !BEER

Hahaha, I can imagine when we are in our wheelchairs throwing a party for hitting the 80 rep mark lol.
You are right, life is full of "mistakes" that we should see as lessons :)

Yeah, this will be a big party with lots of virtual !BEER 🍺😂

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@johannpiber Thank you kindly!

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