Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 122

in Feathered Friendslast year

Hello Feathered Friends Lovers,

Welcome to #SMaP Show Me A Photo Contest Round 122!

After we saw birds perching on wires on the previous round, let's show them in their natural environment perching on branches or twigs. This must be much easier, I think.


This is the singing nightingale. The bird is not impressive but renowned singer.




Here are my other examples

The baby owl is looking great, shame there are so many branches in front of the bird. The picture was taken today, during the morning walk.


Another picture of today - the greenfinch on top branch.


And finally the curious look of the jackdaw.


Now is your turn and let me see your photos of birds, but first read carefully the rules below⬇️


Show me your photo of a bird, following these rules:

  • The photo must be your own.
  • Post in the community Feathered Friends
  • You may add more photos, but you should state which one is your entry, otherwise the first will be taken into account.
  • Tell us something about your photo/s.
  • Your photo must follow the weekly theme.
  • Please put the link of your entry in the comment section of the contest post here.
  • Put in the title of your post that this is an entry for the contest. (Optional)
  • Use #smap as a tag.

Last, but not least - have fun!

If you create quality post with more images and interesting story about them, making extra effort can give you bigger upvotes and attract curators. Keep that in mind.



Five winners and each winner will receive 2 Hive and 500 Ecency POINTS, thanks to Feathered Friend community, @barbara-orenya and @apnigrich.

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All comments written on Feathered Friends, Shadow Hunters, Ladies of Hive, Feel Good community posts receive staked ARCHON tokens.



banner and feather divider created by @barbara-orenya


Thank you for viewing.


gif by @irisworld


This is my entry, good luck to all of you bird lovers out there.



So happy you join the fun again🙂

Me too, things have been a little crazy around here, but lately we've had a little more down time.

Thank you for submitting your entry!🙂

You are welcome @nelinoeva

This must be much easier, I think.

Depends on the bird lol

Our pigeons seem to perch anywhere except on trees!

Oh, they have to come here and learn from ours, who likes to perch on trees. 😉😄

More on grass, telegraph poles, benches , roofs and then if they are bored ... trees!

A bit same here... most of the time I see pigeons anywhere but the trees! lol

lol yes it must be a pigeon thing!

Great photos and a great topic, too!

Thank you, Melinda.


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Birds perching in trees above each as special as the next, the owlet is growing quickly and will soon be going it alone.

Along the wires is like a swing in the wind, although many do use both!


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Tne owlet is become a verg beautiful bird and sometimes we can see just one, the other hiding probabaly not far. Yesterday I saw them both, one spread the wings and flew on the next tree. It was marvelous and no time for a click.

Sights like that are treasures, memory of the flight permanently filed in the memory bank. !LOLZ

I called the Tinitutus Helpline.
It didn't stop ringing.

Credit: reddit
@nelinoeva, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @joanstewart



$PIZZA slices delivered:
@joanstewart(2/10) tipped @nelinoeva

That comical face of the jackdaw! Classic expression. But my favourite is the baby owl. Even so young an owl is majestic. Our sunbirds are currently perching on the blooming aloes. I disturbed one yesterday that was sleeping. And then he started singing merrily as if he hadn't been caught fast asleep in the winter sun

Hehe, the jackdaw was caught by surprise 😉
Oh, the owlets are super cute and soon they will be gone. I feel I am privileged to observe them for a whole month.
Would I see a photo of the perching sunbirds? 🙂

Quite a priviledge! And here's my entry


IMG_8219 (1).JPG

Awww, look at that beauty, teriffc image! ❤

Thank you! I love the contrasting colours

Gracias por mi premio en la ronda pasada, si esta sera mas facil je je

You are welcome! 🙂

My entry for this week, lovely topic to join in with my second photo in Perching A Balancing Act Or Art Form


Thank you, Joan for your lovely entry! 🙂

Pleasure and have a lovely day!

 last year (edited) 

The balancing ability will always amaze me. Birds mastered it to perfection and can withstand the wind as well.
Thank you so much for your entry and the information about the Passerine.

P.S. this comment should go under your post, but the bumps on the road while I commute return the page. 🙂

For some arbitrary reason I simply could not post from Ecency yesterday, would not upload the photographs, might be from my side with intermittent connection here still. Thanks for enjoying and passing a lovely comment.

Actually there was some issue with the images and I almost gave up posting yesterday, but after some time all seemed working fine.

OK so not it's not just me have a bad hair moment !LOLZ
If no go on one, try the other, my favourite is PeadD in all honesty....

Did you hear about the remote control that went to jail?
He was charged with battery

Credit: reddit
@nelinoeva, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @joanstewart


I am using both Ecency and PeakD, but for some reason PeakD doesn't show my gif file in the post about the squirrel, If I view the post from Ecency or Leofinance, it is OK, but not from PeakD.

Always good to learn and use a few front ends, just in case.

Thank you joining the contest. 🙂

Thank you for your entry! 🙂