Monday walk with some birds

in Feathered Friends4 years ago

Today I was happy to see Blue tits. They are small birds and because of the green foliage hard to be seen. Again relying on my luck I got several shots I would like to show you.


They differ from the Great tits with the blue cap and black line through the eyes.


The birds seems to like plums, even still green.




The juvenile birds with yellow around their beaks are still duller looking. But they are cute, don't they?



The park today was very noisy, because the grass cutters were there and the birds could only be heard further in the woods. There was a choir of different birds.

The starlings which I was observing seems to be out of their nest and there were about six or seven of them flying around or pecking on the ground. Most of the photos were not good, only this one was worth posting.


Next shots I did yesterday.



Just finishing the walk and reaching home I saw a bumblebee dancing around the snapdragon flower.


And that's all for now.


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How beautiful and perfect pictures of birds. Have a wonderful day💕

Aww, thank you so much ❤
Have a wonderful day too!


i liked :)

Thank you kindly 😀

Very nice photos of so many tiny birds! I wish I had a telephoto lens!
That bee was caught in flight! Very nice bee!

Thank you ❤
The little birds are very hard to photograph. However with kit lens only I have no chance. I am glad I bought the other lens that suits me well.

No wonder! Those birds were not surprised by your presence!

The blue tits are super cute and you are so lucky to have starlings in the neighborhood ! 😊

Oh, yes, they are so cute. I saw the blue tits for the first time. I am sure they are here longer enough, I just did not notice them.

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Superb post Neli. The variety of birds throughout the world are absolutely amazing. Thanks for sharing!

Thanks Trudee!
The birds living just round the corner are so many, I can imagine what it would be if I go I bit further outside the town.

You done well capturing them birds as they move so quickly especially small birds you must have a fast snapping camera well done i love the black bird 3rd last photo as if he is saying i am here hurry up and take my photo before i fly away 😊 😊

Oh, thank you. I am absolute beginner and I am learning by practicing, changing the settings of the camera to gain tne result I want. I use high shutter speed, but when the light is not enough I end up with underexposed images. 🤔
Still I keep on trying. The birds are everywhere. 😀

Your welcome @nelinoeva you are doing better then me i have just started taking interest in taking decent photos since knowing about @hive so i have a lot to learn in all aspects but one step at a time.

Have a great day stay safe and take care 😊