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RE: Some beach flyers for you today!

in Feathered Friends4 years ago

Ah, Hannes now I understand and thank you.
And that ball that landed in the goal 2 years late was a double score lol.

My story is wife number 1 for 18 years, wife number 2 for 5 years and now wife number 3 for 18 years.
I scored 3 goals with wife number 1.
Had a step-daughter with wife number 2. (Her own daughter)
And no goals with wife number 3.

So, if I add the years togerher that I have been married to 3 different women then it totals 41 years.

Hopefully got some good sunset clouds now, as there was a nice clearing in the clouds.
Just a bit cold here 12C.

Cheers and thanks!


Fine that I could finally explain it understandable, my friend 😊

Your story is a bit more interesting, but don't ask me tomorrow about it, although I might remember the numbers 😉

Our day stayed dry and quite warm, but now it's all cloudy and the night might become wet.

Cheers and !BEER

Yeah, remembering things are trouble Hannes.

Here's a joke about memory;

3 sisters, a 98 year old, a 97 year old and 96 year old lives in a flat.

The 98 year old puts her foot into the bath and she stops. She says "Am I getting in or getting out of the bath"?

The 97 year old says; "Wait i will come and have a look", halfway up the stairs she stops and says; "Am I going up or coming down"?

The 96 year old says; "Oh, but you guys are very forgetful, she taps on the table and says; "Knock on wood, that I don't become as forgetful as you two." "I will come now to help, but I must first go and see who's knocking on the front door"

And so, knock on wood that I don't become as forgetful as you Hannes.

Our night rain started at about 7pm, but luckily just before I got a few shots in of the clouds!

Cheers and thanks!

Haha, knock knock 🤣
That's a nice one, and I hope I won't get that bad, although with 98 it might be excusable 😉

We still have a nice evening and no rain is to see.

Cheers and !BEER

Hahaha, glad that you enjoyed the joke Hannes and I am fast on my way there.
She forgot that she knocked on the table and thought that it was someone at the front door Lol.

Let's hope for your sake that it stays like that.

Cheers and thanks!

Good morning Zac 😊

A good joke is always something I enjoy 🤣

As long as I don't forget the most important things in life like how to set up my camera for different situations, or to visit the Hive as often as I can, I don't mind forgetting less important things like going to work tomorrow 😉 lol

Cheers and !BEER

Good evening Hannes,

I also like every opportunity to smile and your humor gets one out of me very regularly.

There you go again, as I had to smile at this. Work is obviously not one of your priorities, but you also musn't forget to greet the wife now and then lol.

Cheers ans thanks!

Wife? What wife? I have a wife? Oh, you mean the woman who cooks for us and cleans up? Right, I almost forgot about her 😉 lol

I could never forget her, because since 30 years we are together 24/7. Only when I work over night we are separated from each other - she works in the office opposite of mine and somehow I am her boss ... for 8 hours a day and then she's the boss again for 16 hours 😉

Cheers and !BEER

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