
Ohh yes the brain is amazing for sure
I hope Marián can bring her cholesterol down I am confident she can and will be fine


Thank you JJ and I will tell her that you guys are rooting for her.

I have to go out for a while now, but will be back my friend!

See you a bit later.


See you later we are heading out shortly to church and then to the food pantry

And yes we are rooting and praying for Marian

So maybe by know you have returned from your adventures and we hope that everything worked out well.

Is this one of the church's outreach projects JJ?
We are also doing one, as I have been allocated to preach at an old age home, but the Covid has stopped it.
On Sunday we will enter level 1 of the prolonged lockdown, so it might start again, but I have to wait for the okay.


Yes indeed back home now, actually been home for a bit but was tired and had a rest for an hour or so, then was watching the end of the days Tour De France now catching up on here

The Church we go to is St Marys in Dartmouth a lovely small semi modern building and church, the Food Pantry is by St Anthony of Padua, a church over 100 years old I would say and beautiful inside, i will take my camera next week and get some shots of both he food pantry setup but also the church

Ye sit best to wait, Lulu would love to go to Church on Sundays here but they are busier than weekdays and I would prefer we join virtually rather than going there with many people

Good luck with things opening up for you to preach

Oh, I love those little old churches JJ.
They have such great characters and every time when I enter one, I can hear the clouds of witnesses whispering "Hallelujah"!
I bet that you can get some great shots of the insides.

Not a good idea to sit in crowds with this Covid thing not having played itself out yet.
Virtual is a better option in my view.

Thanks, we will have to see how it goes.

I to love old churches, St Anthonys is having work done at the moment and has scaffolding on the spire, so outside its not so good for photos but I will get shots when it is finished, but It has the kind of feel of the style of St Patricks cathedral in NYC which I will show sometime when I get shots :)

Funny you mention Hallelujah, that's the song i played as we were driving away from the church yesterday

I saw on the news here this morning a couple of local colleges have had spikes of CoVID and have gone back to online classes, sadly i expect to see lots of that