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RE: Mystery and Silhouettes!

in Feathered Friends4 years ago

Hi Hannes,

Good, as yesterday I had a bit of a lean time with the replies, as I thought that I would get much less than normal. But thankfully it was not too bad.

Cloudy sunsets are the best in my opinion, as one can only take so much of clear sky sunsets. The clouds always bring in artist opportunities.

So, you got a bit wet at the start of the hike but it sounds like it ended well my friend.

That is exactly also my own problem, as getting back from an interesting foray is always a problem. I had just this a few days ago when I climbed up a high mound.
The grass covering it was wet and in the coming down part I slid in some parts on my bum lol. Imagine walking around with a wet bum and I felt like a baby again hahaha.

Cheers and thanks!


No, this sunset wasn't good because the Clouds were Deep over the horizon and covered the sun. There have been only a few gaps which showed a bit of an orange color tone for a few minutes before the whole horizon and sky was gray.

Haha, I can imagine how you felt 🤣

My worst "hike" was last year when I thought to know a better and more interesting way to a mountain lake in Slovenia, because on "my" way there was a waterfall too. The waterfall was cool, but after an hour climbing straight upwards a slope I stood before a vertical rock face and had to search for a path down to the start. In the end I took the regular path and my hike ook 6 hours instead of 3 😂lol
But I have seen a beautiful old grown mossy forest which I will visit again one day 😃

Cheers and !BEER

Yes, it can certainly be frustrating when the clouds don't play the game lol.
You see a great shot, get your camera setting right and then when you look up another cloud has covered it!

That's a great problem and they call it moving about on unfamiliar territory. I have also made may of those mistakes where a "short cut" ends into a "long cut" hahaha.
That mossy forest sounds like a place to be lol.

Cheers and thanks!

Oh no, there was no frustration, because it was quite clear that there might be no sunset, since the clouds have all been very low all day long, and in the evening they just grew more and higher.

It was fun anyway and I have found this forest, so although I got a bit lost it was a bit of success 😊

Cheers and !BEER

Yeah, I know what you mean as you expected it Hannes. I have the same when the clouds cover the full moon and one simply accepts it.
Would that be the mossy forest that you were talking about in another comment?
I suppose you guys must have quite a few forests there?

Cheers and thanks!

We are a country of forests, that's right 😊
No, my favorite forest is somewhere else in Slovenia where I often photograph waterfalls.

Cheers and !BEER

It must be magical my friend.
We also have a few here, but I have not been to any yet.
That Slovenia forest sound magical.
But you said that you saw a mossy forest near that dam wall and I thought that was the forest where you guys went for a hike?

Cheers and thanks!

Oh, I can't remember that I have said such, but it's true. Right in the forest where the first waterfall is there's the ground thick overgrown with moss and it's very fluffy - I felt like walking on a cozy bed 😉

Cheers and !BEER

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