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RE: Lovely Ocean Flyers today!

in Feathered Friends4 years ago

So then you are in the wrong profession, as a sea job would be more in your ballpark.
You could be second in command on a ship, with your boss, the one with the fapping ears being the captain 🤣
Or you could even be a harbor master that places all of the young unspeakable persons as interns in the medical parts of the ships.

Some really dream jobs available on the water Hannes.

Cheers and thanks!


I don't know if I have told you that I don't like deep water and turn back to the beach as soon as the water gets too deep when I am swimming. So I don't think I would find my dream job on the water 😉

But we could use my boss as a sail if the machines on the boat don't work 🤣

Cheers and !BEER

No, you haven't told me but another of my friends here on hive has the same problem.
But on the water is not in the water lol.

Hahahaha, so your boss can come in handy sometimes even as a replacement for broken machines 🤣
Shame Hannes, I really hope that he never sees any of these discussions lol.

Cheers and thanks!

On the water I can see that there's no ground in the water - enough for me 😂 lol
I do also hope that he never will find his way to the Hive because I would have to pay him quite a few drinks to calm him down 🤣

Cheers and !BEER

Alright the stay out of the water lol. I think that it is our discussion about the water that triggered me to do todays post lol.

If that boss ever gets on Hive, you will have to invest in a bottle store to keep him happy lol.
Or maybe some more media headlines will be in the news lol.

Cheers and thanks!

I haven't been on the Hive today, apart from replying to comments. In the morning I have been driving around, but the rain was no motivation today, because it was pretty cold too. Later the rain stopped and I could take some photos of snowy mountains. I'll have a look at them later on the computer.

I'm only telling the truth here, so I have no reason to be scared - a few drinks should be enough for him 😉

Cheers and !BEER

I bet that the snowy mountain shots will be great to see!
We went out in the rain to get some ocean shots and I almost swam in the wetness lol.
Holding a small umbrella over the camera with the wind ripping the thing around made for many blank and blurred shots hahaha.

This break looks very nice now as there are those huge white cumulous clouds building up.
So I will pop out to the mountain for 30 minutes to get some shots.

Hahaha, no need to worry as I know that nothing will come of it and it's just a bit of fun my friend!

Cheers and thanks!

I don't know yet - so many other photos are waiting to be seen and edited, but maybe I should have a look later.

I wouldn't go out when it's very windy and rainy at the same time. I hope you are lucky with your mountains and clouds shots.

Cheers and !BEER

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