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RE: Eagle And His Dinner

It was a scary looking thing the eagle was clutching. I wasn’t able to focus quick enough to get the shot with more definition on it.

The swans would have been a great photo. Those moments are rare and happen so quickly there is no time to change the lens.

I can’t log into peakD or engage at the moment . I hope it’s a temporary glitch.

Have a pleasant evening Johann and thanks always. :)


You did a great job - it is as you say, such moments are rare and you reacted very well. I wonder how many others would have been quick enough to even think to take a photo ;)

PeadD and Engage work fine for me, but I don't want to log out and try to log in, because I shut down the computer in a few minutes anyway.

Have a very nice rest of the day too 🙂

Cheers and !BEER

Don’t sign out Johann if you use hivesigner. Arcange said the hivesigner site was down and may take awhile.What happened was I cleared my history on engage and then couldn’t sign in again. I can still go in on Hive.

Thanks for your kind comments.

Have a good day :) I’m off to bed.

Good morning Jo,

I didn't sign out, because I went to bed 😉 but I use Hive Keychain anyway.
It happened a few times before that Engage didn't work. In such cases I was really lost, because I love this App and I wouldn't know what to do without it.

Have a wonderful Sunday Jo 🙂

Ceers and !BEER

The hivesigner is working this morning Johann. I am using an iPad and can’t use the keychain with it for some reason.

In order to keep engage working, I have to clear the history every once in awhile and then have to sign in again.

Have a great day. 😊 It looks like it might be a sunny one here.

It's windy here and although the sun shines most of the times it is a bit cold outside, but never mind, I'm at work and won't go outside anyway ;)

That's strange that keychain does not work for you, but I have no idea of iPads or other Apple products. But as long as you know what to do when it does not work, it's good, unless the problem is on the side of Hivesigner, but then nobody will be able to use it ;)

Have a wonderful day too Jo.

Cheers and !BEER

I’ve used the iPad for a couple years after my laptop died out. I have an attachable keyboard for it that fits on the wider side and makes typing easier for long posts. I should try the keychain again but if I remember correctly ( and I don’t always 🤔) the iPad was considered a mobile and it wasn’t working on them.

The outside temperature is recording as 20 C but it seems cooler.

Don’t work too hard and have a great day. 😉

OK, I understand - I have a tablet PC too, but nobody uses it, because it's too small (10"), although it has an attachable keyboard too. I have never had an Apple product, but my son loves his super expensive iPhone. He has bought it used, but still much too expensive for a phone in my opinion.

No, I don't work too hard - had even some time to make a post for the #photo52 challenge 😉
Once more, have a great day too 🙂

Cheers and !BEER

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