
Hahaha, yeah, some countries have it very bad and we also have almost daily murders by the gangsters here in our country. So, at least you guys are safe and if you stick to the good areas you should have no problems, especially with your experience 🙂

Yes I am truly fortunate and even with bad areas here i can appreciate the good that is here with what I have seen on my travels, sadly many haven't travelled and only see the bad side of things and not the good

We had an Italian girl that worked on our data base at Papillon, at lest her parents were from Italy and she was born here. Can you believe that she has never traveled out of the city suburb that she was born in. She has never seen the sea here, or any of the other places.
So, you are right and I think millions have never traveled and so they stay in their areas, bad or good.


I know people like that in my family, I have cousins who have never bene more than an hour from the city they were born in and grew up in, and even on of my sisters has only travelled to a few cities back in NZ and to no where else,

Well I am also guilty, as I have never been absent from the African continent, but thankfully I have traveled a lot here an do some of the neighboring countries.
But never leaving close to home I cannot understand lol.

its something I cannot understand as well, and the African continent is huge so you have traveled plenty

Agreed JJ, but I have always dreamt of touring Europe in a camper van.
Age is rushing me now and I don't know if that will ever happen, but I am an easy going guy and if it never happens then I will not worry about it.
Life goes on my friend!

Hope that you guys are having a good Sunday!