
Agreed JJ, but I have always dreamt of touring Europe in a camper van.
Age is rushing me now and I don't know if that will ever happen, but I am an easy going guy and if it never happens then I will not worry about it.
Life goes on my friend!

Hope that you guys are having a good Sunday!

That would be a great way to see Europe, My Wife wants us to do an Italian Cruise in 2022 when this virus is well and truly over, hopefully, I would love to do it, but not sure how I would do flying, but if my Chest is fine and Dr clears it then I will go for it, may be our last big trip, and then it will be small trips around here

Yeah, agreed JJ, but maybe someday lol.

That cruise sounds great, but you are right to check your health firs with the doctor.
I know that sea air here affects my chest, but thankfully nothing serious, as for some reason it only increase the phlegm load that I battle with.
When are you going for the skin check up, am I right in saying next Friday?


I am not worried about the cruise so much, just the flying to and from Italy, last couple of flights I did to Europe I did end up in hospital once with chrone pnemonia and the other time I was sick for a few days, so still waiting to make a final decision

Tomorrow I have a Chest Cat Scan, just a routine check ( I hope, Tuesday Physical Therapy, and a visit with my regular Doctor, I forget whenthe skin check is, I am upstairs and all the papers are downstairs

Now here's an amazing story JJ.

On our last flight from Johannesburg to Cape Town, only a 2 hour flight, I started to shake and struggled to breathe . So we had to see a doctor here and she diagnosed it as either sinusitis or pneumonia. Put me on an anti biotic course and a few days later I recovered.

So, a few months later we moved here to the Cape and I drove our car down here. Nothing wrong and I never had those symptoms again. Then we were sitting in a coffee shop and a group nearby was discussing how sick some of them became after their flights here. Obviously we joined the conversation and got some great advice from that discussion. They told us that the planes are often cleaned inside with chemicals and it makes sense to sanitize the planes, but they also told us that the planes filters are not cleaned in the process.
So, as soon as the compressors kick in all that stuff in the filters enter the plane in flight.

Now here's the thing that I want you to know, they told us to get a little tube of "Bactroban Nasal" and to put a little drop of the lotion into each nostril before we fly. Voila, I have never had that condition again.
We now also use the drops when the air is dirty and tp protect us against pollens.

I hope that your chest scan will be good my friend.
Physical Therapy I don't know but Physio Therapy I do, so I presume that it's the same thing.
That is not too strenuous, but the body mechanics that we call Chiropractors is a different story as the bend and stretch a person as much as they can hahaha.

Don't forget to check your skin test date my friend.


I have made a note of it, I think I may have some in my travel bag, but it may well have expired so if or when I fly for sure I will try this anything that will help is worth a try

Planes are terrible as they are recycling the air and any germs anyone has on the plane add to that what you just told me i can understand why people get sick on flights sometimes

Yes its the same thing, My left shoulder has bene playing up during the moving packing lifting boxes etc, I kept telling everyone that as soon as I stopped all the lifting it would ease, and sure enough this week it has been better but I got nagged ot mention it to the Dr, he did an x-ray and it showed arthritis and cartilage damage, ( which I already knew ) so wants me to do physio, so I will give it a go and see how it works out

the Skin date is 3 November :)

Oh yeah, I think I have told you about the nasal drops before JJ.
From my own experiences with I know that it works very well. Good that you made a reminder note.

I don't know what it is with us lately. You lift and pack some boxes which I see as ordinary tasks and the cartilage in your shoulder gets damaged.
I lift a heavy old stove to help a guy loading it and my back gives in.

So now your new friends will be physios and my new friends are chiros hahaha.
They gave me a list of exercises that I am supposed to do every day, but I only do them on rainy days hahaha.
He also advised that I should have a look at Pilates and Yoga exercises, so I laughed and said maybe some Ballet was also a good idea hahaha.

He also laughed when I called him a bone mechanic lol.

3 November sounds good as at least we have the date now.

Be well my friend!