in HeartChurch3 years ago

Captura de pantalla (1362).png



Un saludo a toda la comunidad de Heartchurch, hoy quiero compartir con todos ustedes esta reflexión: “CUANDO LOS PROBLEMAS TE ABRUMAN”.

Con mi voz clamé a Dios, A Dios clamé, y él me escuchará.

2 Al Señor busqué en el día de mi angustia; Alzaba a él mis manos de noche, sin descanso; Mi alma rehusaba consuelo.

Salmo 77:1-2.

El salmista se encontraba en una situación difícil, los problemas lo agobiaban, estaba que no soportaba más. Y en esa situación abrumadora para él, decide clamar a Dios y buscarle; sus manos levantaban, sin descanso.

Es muy probable que pensara que Dios lo había abandonado, y en esos difíciles no tendría su ayuda. Sin embargo, recurre a Él de día y de noche.

Todos pasamos por situaciones difíciles, a veces sentimos que los problemas nos abruman, pero sabes, contamos con un Dios Todo poderoso y está dispuesto a ayudarnos; aunque a veces pienses que no te escucha, Él está allí.

El Salmista alzaba sus manos sin descanso en las noches y clamaba a Dios, pidiendo ayuda. Para cobrar ánimo y fortalecer su fe, recordaba todas las maravillas que Dios había hecho con su pueblo; él sabía que Dios era fiel y no lo iba a abandonar.

En medio de esos problemas que te abruman, no dejes de clamar a Dios, búscale de día y de noche; recuerda todas esas maravillas que Dios ha hecho contigo y con los que tienes a tu alrededor. Piensa lo grande y maravilloso que es nuestro Dios.

Contempla los cielos, el universo, la naturaleza. Observa lo que Dios ha hecho y seguirá haciendo, confía en Dios y esos problemas que te abruman pronto pasarán y verás el poder y la gloria de Dios en tu vida.

Dios te bendiga


Captura de pantalla (1363).png


Greetings to the entire Heartchurch community, today I want to share with all of you this reflection: “WHEN PROBLEMS OVERCOME YOU”.

With my voice I cried out to God, I cried out to God, and he will hear me.

2 I sought the Lord in the day of my distress; I raised my hands to him at night, without rest; My soul refused comfort.

Psalm 77: 1-2.

The psalmist found himself in a difficult situation, problems overwhelmed him, he couldn't bear it anymore. And in this overwhelming situation for him, he decides to cry out to God and seek him; his hands lifted, relentlessly.

It is very likely that he thought that God had abandoned him, and in those difficult times he would not have his help. Yet she turns to Him by day and by night.

We all go through difficult situations, sometimes we feel that problems overwhelm us, but you know, we have an Almighty God who is willing to help us; Even if you sometimes think that He doesn't listen to you, He is there.

The Psalmist raised his hands without rest at night and cried out to God, asking for help. To cheer him up and strengthen his faith, he remembered all the wonders that God had done with his people; he knew that God was faithful and was not going to abandon him.

In the midst of those problems that overwhelm you, do not stop crying out to God, seek Him day and night; remember all those wonders that God has done with you and with those around you. Think how great and wonderful our God is.

Contemplate the skies, the universe, nature. See what God has done and will continue to do, trust God and those problems that overwhelm you will soon pass and you will see the power and glory of God in your life.

God bless you

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