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RE: Finding Inspiration in Young Bloggers

in ThoughtfulDailyPostlast month (edited)

Hello my friend, @deirdyweirdy

I did not feel engaged by school. I felt school robbed me of my free time. So much of what transpired was a waste. And then, homework! It seemed an intrusion. School had already stolen my days. I simply refused to give my afternoons and evenings up also.

When a subject, or a teacher, did engage me, though, I was tenacious. I was even competitive. Then, I had to have the best grades. I'm very goal oriented, but it has to be my goal, not one superimposed on me.

It would be hard to overestimate how stubborn and independent I am.😂

I'm not surprised to hear you would have answered every question. When you want something, you go for it and get it.

I'm happy to hear about your experience in Washington Square. I have many happy memories of those days.