Walking my Kite around the Tidal Basin

Kites! Who doesn't want to fly a kite? Up to the highest height? I daresay that anyone who has been on the other end of the string, as your kite achieves that perfect balance of lift and drag is happy to be doing it. It was the perfect windy day, one of the coldest in the season and yet, there was a sense of calm that washed over me as I let her go her way.

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A kite will fly if it finds enough wind to lift it and keep it in the sky. Successful kite flight depends upon establishing and maintaining a balance between the upward force of lift, the downward force of gravity, and the backward force of drag. source

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The National Mall wasn't crowded, after two years of cancellations of events downtown Washington, DC, the Cherry Blossom Festival and the annual Kite Festival was on. On it went, a much smaller version of its former self, yet, I immersed myself into the day.

The only lasting beauty
Is the beauty of the heart


The scent of spring favors you, the beauty is bewitching, allowing me to slow down and breathe its fragrance. On all counts, this is perfection. I love spring, the colors and the newfound warmth, and for looking straight up into the Divine.

In that place of beauty, the one perceived, it matters not, what you believe. The story fits in a layer of truth, in the pages of strength, to give and receive. Such a sweet touch, each one of those blossoms. Yes, beauty isn't something we all can see the same, or measure the same. Sensing it tends to be an individual thing, I sense it spiritually, allowing my inner spirit to detect it


The fragile beauty of this little tree stirred a longing to make life better for it. Just seeing this can ignite the feelings so deeply buried within, those of healing the hurting, the broken, every single one, everywhere.

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Earlier in the season, learning and practicing the art of flying a kite was in full motion. It is in those alluring moments of joy, and those simple pleasures in life.


The cherry trees were g gift of friendship to the People of the United States from the People of Japan. More than 3,000 trees are in and around the streets of Washington, DC... Strolling the Tidal Basin, especially in the company of cherry blossoms makes such a tranquil setting, reflecting the beauty of the day.

All I have are my words, armed in my mind, written in pen, stand by stand. Oh, yes. Still by hand. It has a different feel. Altered not by keys, backspace, and delete, I write, erase, tear it to pieces and start all over again. And again.

It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.


I want to thank @tattoodjay for hosting the #WednesdayWalk challenge! Show me where you walked today, I want to see what you got to see and hear what you have to say. I hope you had a fabulous time and I think we should meet up here again next week! If you want to do the challenge, drop him a link on his #WednesdayWalk post so he can try to visit yours! Whatever your day looks like, it is worth a walk through it. You can't always have sunshine and rainbows, but, you can always have a #WednesdayWalk!

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The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost

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Oh I love that poor old tree. Seems what was near dead is still putting forth a beautiful show... Such is the power of life. Brilliant capture!

I do too! Every year, I think it is going to be its last, yet, it is there to greet me year after year.

The will to live sometimes thwarts the grim reaper and lives on.

Oh, I loved the layers within this post Denise 💗 You write beautifully. Such depth and clarity. I could feel your joy and your peace resonating out from beneath the pages of this post. What a beautiful day you had... the special beauty of the cherry blossoms combined with the joyful upliftment of the kite festival. Such fun...a wonderful time for appreciating the simple things in life and all it has to offer.

The scent of spring favors you, the beauty is bewitching, allowing me to slow down and breathe its fragrance. On all counts, this is perfection. I love spring, the colors and the newfound warmth, and for looking straight up into the Divine.

Perfect in every way❣️
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Thank you so much for your wonderful comment. I went over to the site, and don't know anything about the project. Perhaps you could tell me more about it or link me to a post?

Thank you again, you just made my night. ❤️

You are very welcome❣️

VYB is a new frontend and community which complements Proof of Brain. The announcement post can be found here and you can check vyb.vyb account for updated articles on the little tweaks being made to the model. The community was started by @trostparadox and is managed by the VYB Management Team of @trostparadox, @calumam and @scholaris. One of the key benefits of the community is that the VYB token cannot be downvoted. It is also intended that the tokens be staked and held for the medium-longer term (although selling is permissible). As a result all earned VYB tokens are earned as powered up tokens. The announcement post and updates provide more info on the community, which operates similarly to POB but with improvements. The tag can be used on pretty much any post. Curators generally curate 1 week in 4 to allow for as much scope in supporting as wide a range of content as possible. If you have any questions off the back of the posts, you can drop calumam a message as he is the main face of VYB on the platform.

Love that area all the blossoms and a many kites
I can’t remember the last time I flew a kite may well have been back when I was a teenager

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

Thank you so much for your words. The Tidal Basin really is beautiful, almost any time of year. I can honestly say that I don't fly kites that much, but, I sometimes do on the beach and always at the kite festival.

Thank you for the always generous upvotes!

Funnily enough yesterday I was watching some fail videos with the Grand daughter and they had a few or people trying to fly huge kites and being dragged along by them
we decuided if we buy a kite and try flying it we will go with a standard size one lOL

It's pretty amazing that so many kite flyers can be in one spot without getting their lines tangled. Seriously. If I was there and tried to fly a kite I'd be Charlie Brown'ing everywhere and causing naught but chaos.

Haha! I always think that when I go there and yet... it happens very infrequently, believe it or not. I saw two small tangle ups and the politeness and helpfulness between both injured parties is so refreshing to see.

You will have to try it one year and see that it is more frightening than something that happens often. Come on!!! Let's go fly a kite!

I love that feeling of flying a kite @dswigle I keep wanting to get a drone and try flying one as I suppose , with the vr headset one one wears to see 'from the drones perspective' must be like being the kite. Have you ever flown a drone? (haha didn't mean that to rhyme.)

The blossoms are gorgeous and such a sign of spring. That poor tree, hollowed out and only a simple branch, it looks like it needs some care, no mulch , it's roots exposed, are there now gardeners that work that bit of our National land? heavens.

Thank you for that breath of Lovely Spring

I have flown a drone! I am shocked that you have not, mostly because of the artist and adventurer in you! I can see you flying it over the water, enjoying the waves from afar.

The blossoms always signal spring here, but, we had spring interrupted by three days of freeze, the coldest days this year. How crazy is that!? Thanks so much for stopping by @donnadavisart !!

I think we should all fly a kite sometime in our life. For me, to see a kite in the sky is such a trigger for so many happy childhood memories.

And there you had the perfect setting for the festival with all those cherries blossoms in bloom. Have a lovely day, Denise!

Thank you! I love to fly a kite at the festival! Every year, and sometimes when I go to the beach! The wind is always ready to lift a kite. Having the Tidal Basin circled in cherry trees and the Washington Monument is such a beautiful setting for kite flying.

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words! ❤️

I haven't flown one for a long time. But I love them, and I'm glad you enjoyed the festival.

Have a wonderful day!🌸

Thank you! You too! :))

 3 years ago  


Oh yes... the Mary Poppins kite song lol. I remember making kites when I was in the Boy Scouts... you know, back when they made dirt (so says the grandkids lol). We used dowel rods and old trash bags. I suppose the mindset was creating things rather than buying them. They didn't fly very well... but it sure started the want to fly them. So many things like this seem to have been forgotten... the coming of the technological age made things like this... going outside, riding bikes, exploring the woods... But that's not a hand-held device you can play on... I digress.


Certainly, a perfect #thoughtfuldailypost... as always, love the photos, but more importantly... the message. Thank you, my friend... hope you have a wonderful day!


!giphy Flying a kite

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Thank you, Wes! @wesphilbin It's true! What you say about kids is mostly true, but, we have so much going on here in Washington, DC that challenges the younger generation to get out and breathe the air!

In the spring and summer months, DC’s quidditch team plays out on the Mall! It is good fun! There is always a pick-up game of Ultimate Frisbee, baseball, football. There are chess games in the warmer weather, by the elders in the community... It is actually a wonderful place to live on so many levels.

Hey, you! Let's go fly a kite! By the way, there is a kitemeister at the festival who fixes broken kites and a massive group of people that make their own kites right there to fly! It is truly an art and the tradition of it goes on!!

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words!

 3 years ago  

Oh... don't get me wrong. Maybe it's just my thoughts in general. I know kids aren't mindless robots... walking around with devices in their hands... headphones on... well, scratch the mindless robots part lol.

I'm trying to reply more... not just my #thoughtfuldailypost graphic. Still don't know how you do it!

Back to your reply... that sounds like a awesomesauce time there... plenty reason to be outside. And have you seen those kites that look like Dragon's??? Oh man... to have my ability to run back!!

Hope you are having a good Hump Day!!

I've just written a song about a tortilla.
Well, it is more of a rap really.

Credit: reddit
@dswigle, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @wesphilbin
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How wonderful kites and snowmen are those great plays. Doing something without a reason except this moment of joyful doing it

Yes!!! All that matters is the joy of the moment! I have to agree with you! I love flying kites and downtown Washington DC (near the Washington Monument) is the perfect wind to lift it up very high! Way up into the sky!!!

Thanks you so much for stopping by and leaving your words!

Loved the cherry trees and all the kites. What a combo!

Who doesn't love a few cherry trees, right? Then throw in the kites and I am in heaven!

Thank you for stopping by with your words! I hope all is well in your world! 💗

Glad I came across your post. helped me plan a great event with my little girls over the weekend. Like you said, who doesn't love to fly a kite 🤗

Right?? Absolutely!! I hope you have fun!! Take pictures!

I will definitely take pictures 🤗


It's a big month for Washington if both those events are going on around the same time. There must be a lot of people out and about, in the city. The cherry blossoms are really beautiful lined up along the water like that and great photo of all the kites in the air! Very cool

They have always gone on at the same time. The Smithsonian Institute ran them side by side because the winds of March and the Cherry Blossoms happened at the same time. So it is always a magical time here, and there is even the Cherry Blossom Parade at the very end of it all, and the Japanese Sakura Festival shoehorned in there. So, yes!!! It is such a great time of year here.

This was the worse year for the Cherry Blossoms and hopefully next year it will be better. The off-cycle freeze really hurt them.

I am sure that France is amazing right now. Thank you so much for stopping by!

These are funny interesting kites dear.

They are very much fun, Sam! @mcsamm We love going to the kite festival! Thank you for stopping by!

A kite will fly if it finds enough wind to lift it and keep it in the sky. Successful kite flight depends upon establishing and maintaining a balance between the upward force of lift, the downward force of gravity, and the backward force of drag.

Not literally, because I currently do not have a real kite, but I would like to fly my kite. I am speaking metaphorically/figuratively. Kite is life in this case. I would like to enjoy it without worries. Hopefully soon I will. I am trying.

The cherry trees were g gift of friendship to the People of the United States from the People of Japan. More than 3,000 trees are in and around the streets of Washington, DC... Strolling the Tidal Basin, especially in the company of cherry blossoms makes such a tranquil setting, reflecting the beauty of the day.

Recently I realized from this article that we have a complete row of cherry blossom trees on the Várkonyi square in Szolnok, Hungary, and they were planted for similar reasons.

"The attraction is a reminder of our twin town relationship with the Japanese city of Yuza, and was planted in 2015 on the initiative of the Hungary-Japan Friendship Society, but Japanese cherry trees had already been planted in Szolnok before.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.

Of course! Everyone wants to fly their kite, that is only human of us. Right?

The gift of friendship is one of best things our world could hope for.

I hope you have a great day! ''

I remember back then when I was much younger we form kite with broom stick and pepper,it was really fun. But the kites you showed are really beautiful.

I just like the way you arrange your words, I hope to learn more from you closely

Thank you, that is such a nice compliment!

Kites have come a long way since I was a kid. We used to make our own and actually, a lot of people make their own here. Some spend hours and hours putting them together, planning them - just for the kite festival. It is a lot of fun and everyone looks forward to it all year!

Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your words!

So lovely, i dis like to join the festival someday

The fragile beauty of this little tree stirred a longing to make life better for it. Just seeing this can ignite the feelings so deeply buried within, those of healing the hurting, the broken, every single one, everywhere.
Yes, it does, @dswigle...
The poor tree!
Did you fly a kite?

Thank you, it really does @silversaver888 I appreciate you stopping by and leaving your words.

The poor tree indeed! I marvel each year that it still is alive.

Indeed, I flew a kite!

 3 years ago  


Thank you!!!!!

When I look at the kites I remember my very happy childhood, I see the kites that @dswigle's mother shared have very beautiful colors.

Thank you very much! I love kites and flying them! They don't have to be only for childhood, you can fly one now! :)

Now is the perfect time to fly a kite. I used to fly many kites as a child. I used to fly kites of different shapes and sizes. Although time is not available now. It was nice to see the kites.

Flying a kite is the most wonderful feeling in the world. :) Every adult should try it once in their adult life. :)

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your name.

Hey @dswigle, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Thanks for the beer!

Thank you for the beer!

I am happy when reading your post. Lovely.

Thank you. What did you like about it?

Everything is so beautiful in this post @dswigle . The kites, they are so colorful and I love the different shapes. The kites I flew in my childhood were just a folded piece of paper with a tail made of paper too. my brother used to fly better kites. Those were made of a light wooden stick covered with paper or plastic, and stabilized with a tail made of rags.

That festival and that place with all those cherries in bloom is so beautiful too. I didn't notice if we have cherry trees around. I'll take a good look next time I go out. I'm sure there are

Hello @dswigle This big, powerful, and beautiful, kite is easy to fly anywhere with winds, and flies like a dream. When I fly the kite, I will look up at it until I can not the see it exist in my eyes, I just want to know where it goes.😁Cherry Blossoms are some of the most beautiful flowers, coming in bright colors. The Cherry Blossom tree in full bloom, during the arrival of spring, is one of the most beautiful sights to behold. Well, One of my dream is I can be under the cherry blossoms or Maple trees with falling leaves.❤️

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 99 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

Thanks for the tepost @pixresteemer!