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RE: Thoughtful Daily Post || The Price of Thoughtfulness

From your mouth to the old whatevers may or may not be up there, dear man.


Thank you for your thoughts <3

Sorry to hear of your journey. :( Big hugs. I wish I could do more...

You know... it's only the folks who've suffered that seem to be able to empathise with others' suffering authentically.

And who keep their priorities straight up and real.

Love to you.

 last month  
Oh... you know. It's just #lifehappening dear soul. You are all too familiar with this very sentiment. But, gosh! We just gotta keep going, yes? We need to remember the importance of #freeyourmind and really... no one knows things until we utter them from our mouths (in this case... fingers LOL). I have had this just collecting dust in my Editor for some time. I figured I owed it to everyone, to understand why I wasn't everywhere... all the time... like I always am! I appreciate you, and appreciate you taking the time to stop by and leave me some words... Love and light, Soul Sister...



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