Some Common Mistakes I Made Concerning My Skin/Algunos errores comunes que cometí con respecto a mi cuidado de la piel[ENG-ESP]

in Skin & Body Care2 years ago (edited)


For the longest time, I had the clearest skin and because of that, I didn't know anything about skincare or even generally the dos and don'ts concerning the skin.

Now due to this, when I started going through puberty and my skin started acting up, I didn't know what to do and I began researching what to do.

During this research, I tried a lot of things, and now that I think about it, most of the things I did cause damage to my skin more and if I had to go back, I would do better.

Anyways, you might be curious about some of the things I did wrong and I will be talking about them just in case you might be doing them.



Now, even though everyone’s skin is different and what works for one might not work for another, there are certain things or rules that are absolute concerning our skincare routine that shouldn't be done and they are;

  1. Using your towel for your body on your face: minus the fact that you don't want to spread the bacteria on your body to your face, sometimes certain products you use on your body can be passed to your face and it might irritate your face.
  2. Not changing your bedsheets frequently: I feel like a lot of us are guilty of this especially when we are so busy with life and feel like our sheets can go another week but, this is also a breeding ground for bacteria and dirt which can cause your skin to break out.
  3. Using soaps or creams for your body on your face: some might ask what is wrong with doing this and the problem with this is the fact that the skin on your face and body is different and most times the creams and soaps made for your body are harsher than face washes and lotions.
  4. Using sponges and wash clothes on your face: for the longest time, I always used sponges on my face because I felt like it made my face cleaner but, all this did was irritate my skin because of how harsh they were.
  5. Forgetting to wash your makeup brushes: when I started using makeup, I would always neglect washing my makeup brushes and I paid for it with so much breakout. Note: It is advised to wash your brushes after every use.
  6. Trying home remedies on my face: at one point, there was a rave with trying DIY skincare products on your face, and doing this ruined my face because they were too harsh.
  7. Constantly touching my face: this is still a problem for me but I know that it is bad because our hands usually collect dirt, oils, etc, and touching out face pass those things collected to our face and it can definitely cause breakouts.
  8. Not giving products time to perform: as an impatient person, whenever I use products, I expect them to work immediately and when they don't, I throw them away and this is bad because some products need time to work.


Skincare doesn't have to be complex and you can do the simplest things and still have clear skin, so some things you can do is have a good regimen for your skin type, eat right, and wash things that your face comes in contact with, avoid DIYS, etc.


Even though I made all those mistakes for years that affected my skin, a turnaround in my regimen has made a difference and surely it can for you too.

Good skin takes time to achieve for a lot of people so, be patient and keep learning.



Durante mucho tiempo, tuve la piel más clara y por eso, no sabía nada sobre el cuidado de la piel o incluso, en general, lo que hay que hacer y lo que no hay que hacer con respecto a la piel.

Ahora, debido a esto, cuando empecé a pasar por la pubertad y mi piel comenzó a actuar, no sabía qué hacer y empecé a investigar qué hacer.

Durante esta investigación, probé un montón de cosas, y ahora que lo pienso, la mayoría de las cosas que hice causan más daño a mi piel y si tuviera que volver atrás, lo haría mejor.

De todos modos, puede que tengas curiosidad por algunas de las cosas que hice mal y voy a hablar de ellas por si acaso las estás haciendo.


Ahora, aunque la piel de cada uno es diferente y lo que funciona para uno puede no funcionar para otro, hay ciertas cosas o reglas que son absolutas con respecto a nuestra rutina de cuidado de la piel que no se debe hacer y son;

  1. Usar la toalla de tu cuerpo en tu cara: menos el hecho de que no quieres pasar las bacterias de tu cuerpo a tu cara, a veces ciertos productos que usas en tu cuerpo pueden pasar a tu cara y podría irritarla.
  2. No cambiar las sábanas con frecuencia: Siento que muchas de nosotras somos culpables de esto sobre todo cuando estamos tan ocupadas con la vida y sentimos que nuestras sábanas pueden estar una semana más pero, esto también es un caldo de cultivo para las bacterias y la suciedad que puede hacer que tu piel se brote.
  3. Usar jabones o cremas para el cuerpo en la cara: algunos podrían preguntarse qué hay de malo en hacer esto y el problema con esto es el hecho de que la piel de la cara y del cuerpo es diferente y la mayoría de las veces las cremas y jabones hechos para el cuerpo son más ásperos que los lavados y lociones para la cara.
  4. Usar esponjas y ropa de lavado en la cara: durante mucho tiempo, siempre usé esponjas en la cara porque sentía que me limpiaba la cara, pero lo único que hacía era irritar mi piel por lo duras que eran.
  5. Olvidar lavar las brochas de maquillaje: cuando empecé a usar maquillaje, siempre descuidaba el lavado de las brochas de maquillaje y lo pagué con muchos brotes. Nota: Se aconseja lavar las brochas después de cada uso.
  6. Probar remedios caseros en mi cara: en un momento dado, hubo un furor por probar productos de cuidado de la piel DIY en la cara, y hacer esto arruinó mi cara porque eran demasiado duros.
  7. Tocar constantemente mi cara: esto sigue siendo un problema para mí, pero sé que es malo porque nuestras manos suelen acumular suciedad, aceites, etc, y al tocar nuestra cara pasan esas cosas recogidas a nuestra cara y definitivamente puede causar brotes.
  8. No dar tiempo a los productos para que actúen: como persona impaciente, siempre que uso productos, espero que funcionen inmediatamente y cuando no lo hacen, los tiro y esto es malo porque algunos productos necesitan tiempo para funcionar.


El cuidado de la piel no tiene que ser complejo y puedes hacer las cosas más simples y aún así tener una piel clara, así que algunas cosas que puedes hacer es tener un buen régimen para tu tipo de piel, comer bien, y lavar las cosas con las que tu cara entra en contacto, evitar los DIYS, etc.


A pesar de que cometí todos esos errores durante años que afectaron a mi piel, un giro en mi régimen ha marcado la diferencia y seguramente puede hacerlo para ti también.

Una buena piel tarda en conseguirse para mucha gente, así que ten paciencia y sigue aprendiendo.

All contents belong to me unless stated otherwise


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I'm guilty of 90% of the things you've said but I'm just lucky I still have a good skin.

I will do well to apply these things henceforth, thank you for sharing it with us dear.

The thing is I had good skin too for a long time but when my skin issues hit, it hit well 😆

As in ehn, that's the reason why I am to start taking this lecture seriously 😁.

😆 say na lecture, hope you are with note oh

No Ma, let me go and get it right away.

Being a skincare/ beauty consultant, you just gave a very good and helpful skin care article. This most mistake made by people is using the same creams and towel for their faces and bodies releasing a lot of products and bacteria that's very tough on the body to the face. Thanks for sharing dear.

Awwnnn I am glad this was helpful and good, especially since it's coming from you.

You're welcome dear 🤗🥰🥰

You really made some valid points here @khaleesii, that many of us are guilty of..

I will take note of all of them and thank you so much for sharing...

You should mehn so you grow old looking good; our skin is the first thing to age

That's true sis..

Our skin is important..

I think I will be coming back to this post,, until I get everything done..

First thing I will start with is; a different towels for the face and body..

Very important actually
😆 I hope you can implement all you need to, I am even still learning

Yeah that is what I'm starting with too 😁

Nawa oo, so I have also been doing it wrong till now? Though I don't use sponge on my face but I use the same soap and cream for my face and body 🙄🙄
This is a new insight from your post and I think I will try to adjust too but my problem is I don't even know what cream to use for my skin because I am not used to it.
Thanks for sharing

We all made these mistakes, you just have to start from somewhere; getting face washes and a face cream could help and thank you for the tip

Yea, I will try to find some creams and washes for the face too.

You can check Nivea, that’s what I use

You are really a khaleesi, @khaleesii.

Thank you

Amazing Article, wow I've learnt so much especially as regards the use of sponges, towels and face kits property, which was clearly stated unadvisable and also the note that the skin on our body is different from that of our face. Once I tried a product both on my skin and face, my face reacted to the product causing some negative effect, but not on my skin,(body), I've stopped using it now and my face is all good. Thank you so much for sharing

Yeah our face is so sensitive and the littlest thing can affect it, I got to learn this the hard way

These are essential rules and it very nice you have share this experience with us.
You are right @dreemport brought me here🤗

Thank you for reading

You are welcome 🥰

Great article!
Came in through Dreemport.

Thank you

You have said it correctly. Many of us used to neglect certain things because we got away with them. There comes a time for atonement and you pay for all the neglect. Great post.

Thank you, the good thing is that we can always do better.

Dreemport brought me here again, just dropped by to say hello 👋👋.

Hello babes

How are you doing today naw?

Just here, I need a break but I don't want to ruin my streak

Oh dear, I understand how hard it must be.

Just try and give yourself a little break, okay?

I will try eventually.

Yes dear, you should 😊.

What a great share Ophelia! Oh my gosh - it feels like forever since I read you... my life has been so hectic, so crazy lately... my eldest has just finished Primary School and is starting High School in September... so between preparing for his last few weeks of school before the summer holidays, with sports day, summer fair, end-of-year parties, farewell dance, and school play... man... have I been squeezed... and then we are finishing the Dreemport-Ecency 3 week challenge today too! Crazy busy online time. But coming out the other side now and I can pop up and visit more of my friends on Hive 😍 I hope you are keeping well, my lovely khaleesii. I thought this was a fabulous post. And I will be dropping by your blog later to catch up.

Oh...and I saw in the comments that you mentioned that you felt like you needed a break... don't worry about the streak... as @dreemsteem says... write in the breaks ... we all need them from time to time... healthy mind, healthy body, healthy life - rest, relax, re-energise - refresh your perspective so that you retain the joy 😍🙏 Love you!!!


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The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Wow, you had a busy few weeks but I know you love it because memories are being created, I am so glad you visited me today, I haven't had an online presence at all; I just post and leave most days.

I am considering taking the break because there's been a lot going on; job hunting, volunteering, trying to move to a different state plus learning a new skill, it gets overwhelming but, I'll be fine.

The issue with taking the break is the fear that I might not come back.

oh, my gorgeous friend... I think... just looking at your blog... you are writing a lot ... and are the one that sets the limits. I have actually chatted about a similar thing with a few people recently. We all need to take breaks... I recently went 2 weeks without posting... but then came back... and I am trying to post 3 times a week. For me that is doable. doesn't have to be an all or nothing scenario, unless you do truly need a break, and then that is always ok... and if you do...I will be dropping into your DM to check on you and remind you that we are all still here...and will be when you are ready to return. Sometimes life off-chain just needs to take priority for a time.

But yes... so easy easy to slip away and not want or feel the need to come back... until you realise how much you miss it ...the writing, the engagement, the love. So I understand why you feel scared that you may not come back... and we would miss your little boxes of passion so very much.

So...why don't you consider something: forget about the streak hehe... you have proved you can do it!

Maybe limit your posts to just a few a week for a while - focus on your favorite community and write a couple of times there a week. Or pick 2-3 communities/contests and just do those each week. Or even one post a week... even if it takes you all week to prepare it... just to stay connected. Submit that post to Dreemport and do your curation there.

Please feel free to jump into my DM if you want to chat or catch up. Much love!


I will consider this, another thing is that hive is currently my only source of income so there is a fear that if I am not consistent here, how do I survive until I find a job.

Currently everything is crazy in Nigeria, inflation is at an all time high, and when I consider it, I have to pull myself back with the thought that I need to be here, I guess that's my problem, the pressure I put on my self to put out “worthy content”.

Your content is always worthy... ❣️ That does make it more challenging - I can well appreciate that. I have been in that position before where I needed to do something that had started out as fun, and ended up putting food on plates at night. Your content is very deserving though... maybe finding the balance - focussing on the type of posts and communities where you are receiving financial recognition for your content will help to reduce the pressure on you to write but still allow you to earn and maximise what you need. Sending much love. You have my support hun xx !PIZZA !ALIVE !hivebits

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Thank you for the advice, I'll take it, I guess since my birthday I have been putting extra pressure on myself, eventually, I know I'll be fine though.

Thank you so much for this conversation, it helped so much just talking about it.


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Ahhhhhh! I see where I have always got it wrong. Now I know exactly what to do... It is just amazing how what is bad seems right like the use of sponge😆

It is always advisable to take breaks every now and then. We all need to recharge at some point and your body not just your mind needs it. You go girl...
Dreemport Sent me!😁😁😁❤️

I also had to learn about sponges a while back and it's crazy because as Nigerians, we are made to always use sponges.

Anyways, thank you for visiting

It is ❤️a pleasure