in Catarsis3 years ago

𝐇𝐞𝐲, 𝐇𝐢𝐯𝐞

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We are in a great month of celebration, sharing with friends and family. This month is one of reflection, harmony, peace, so I have written these words to begin to appreciate one of our great comforters and companions, the sky.

Estamos en un gran mes de celebración, de compartir con los amigos y la familia. Este mes es de reflexión, armonía, paz, así que he escrito estas palabras para comenzar a valorar a uno de nuestros grandes consoladores y acompañantes, el cielo.




I am a fan of the sky, I like to admire it, it has the gift of giving special moments; scenes that seem to be chiseled with dedication for those entities that take the time to raise their faces. You can feel aggravated, and the sky will have the odyssey to console you, you can be ecstatic, and the sky will give you a smile, it is a plot between the spectator and the sky, which make a unique synergy.

Soy fan del cielo, me gusta admirarlo, tiene el don de obsequiar momentos especiales; escenas que parecen cinceleadas con dedicación para aquellos entes que se tomen el tiempo de subir el rostro. Puedes sentirte agravado, y el cielo tendrá la odisea de consolarte, puedes estar extasiado, y el cielo te brindará una sonrisa, es un complot entre el espectador y el, que hacen una sinergia única.


I tend to go to bed very late, I am a night owl for many years, that has given me the opportunity to see countless sunrises, the beginning of a new day full of opportunities, to resume with strength those things you left half done, then you have the beautiful picture painted on us that becomes an embrace of strength, with those tints that clarify the life, the soul.

Tiendo a acostarme muy tarde, soy un ser noctámbulo desde hace bastantes años, eso me ha dado la oportunidad de ver infinidad de amaneceres, el comienzo de un nuevo día lleno de oportunidades, para retomar con fuerzas aquellas cosas que dejaste a medias, entonces tienes el hermoso cuadro pintado sobre nosotros que se convierte en un abrazo de fortaleza, con esos tintes que aclaran la vida, el alma.


I like to think that the clouds are there to make us laugh, it's the sky's way of communicating with us, sending us signals to keep us calm during the storm. Those beautiful colors blurred during the sunset bring an inner peace, a placid moment to enjoy with a cup of coffee, tea or juice, according to each one's preference, because the sky is not only a place to enjoy the sunset, it's also a place to enjoy the sunset. because the sky does not judge, but waits for your arrival.

Me gusta pensar que las nubes están para hacernos reír, es la forma del cielo de comunicarse con nosotros, enviarnos señales para que mantengamos la calma durante la tormenta. Esos bellos colores difuminados durante el atardecer traen consigo una paz interna, un momento plácido para disfrutar con una taza de café, té o jugo, a la preferencia de cada quien porque el cielo no juzga, sino que aguarda a tu llegada.


Most of us go through life without taking a look above the height of our eyes, so when we see a sign that has always been there we are amazed that we have not seen it, we are absorbed in problems, in quarrels, in work and responsibilities, we seem more like robots than living beings yearning for great goals. We must raise our faces, and know all that we have as a gift, heaven is waiting for us.

La mayoría andamos por la vida sin echar un vistazo más arriba de la altura de nuestros ojos, por eso cuando vemos un cartel que siempre ha estado allí nos asombramos de no haberlo visto, estamos ensimismados en los problemas, en las riñas, en el trabajo y las responsabilidades, parecemos más unos robots que seres vivos anhelantes de grandes metas. Debemos levantar el rostro, y conocer todo lo que tenemos como regalo, el cielo está esperando.


The sky is the greatest witness of all lives, it has seen our past, it is entrenched in our present and it will be our companion. It has seen our past, is entrenched in our present and will be the companion of our future. How not to love heaven? If you are down or stressed take some time to admire the sky, breathe, and enjoy the great things in life. the great things in life. Heaven is many things, it is peace, it is comfort, it is hope, it is a doorway to new adventures and secrets a door to new adventures and secrets, it is your friend, the greatest witness.

El cielo es el mayor testigo de todas las vidas, ha visto nuestro pasado, está afianzado en nuestro presente y será el acompañante de nuestro futuro. ¿Cómo no amar al cielo? Si estás decaído o estresado tómate un tiempo para admirar al cielo, respira, y disfrutas de las grandes cosas de la vida. El cielo es muchas cosas, es paz, consuelo, esperanza, es una puerta a nuevas aventuras y secretos, es tu amigo, el mayor testigo.

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𝑴𝒖𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒔 𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒔 𝒑𝒐𝒓 𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒓 <𝟑
𝗧𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗸 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 <3
Translated with DeepL Free version.

All images used belong to me, they were taken with my Redmi Xiaomi Note 9 cell phone.




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Hermosas palabras señorita!
Es usted muy inspirada en cada parrafo!
Mis Felicitaciones.

The sky is the greatest witness of all lives, it has seen our past, it is entrenched in our present and it will be our companion.

I like this sentences. The sky will never fall. !PIZZA


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@beyondhorizonmm(3/18) tipped @marysenpai (x1)

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Excelente post y hermosas reflexiones y palabras amiga Maria, muchas gracias por compartir con nosotros, un saludote ☺️

Beautiful reflection!
A lovely reminder that not only "seek first the kingdom of heaven", but also - that it is inside of us. When we commune with our divinity inside.
Not above, not "on the other side".. Inside. That small little voice that we hear when we stop all thought processes in our busy mind.
Hugs and have a lovely December!!!