
How do you define Anarchy? Is it not a total lack of control, of everything?

When things crash, civilization will stop as gangs take over. This is the goal of anarchy, I just don't see the advantage.

Each person will need to become law into oneself. Judge, jury, and executioner.


An- (negation of) -archos (rulers). The absence of political authority, i.e. government. Some anarchists claim to be opposed to hierarchy of any sort, but real leadership is derived from consent and not coercion, and is what allows society to function in the real world.

Governments are territorial monopolies in violence. That is the root definition. They never have legitimate authority, because no one can delegate the authority they claim to exercise on our behalf. This is the same whether such a system is called democracy, monarchy, republic, or anything else. It does not matter if they claim a written constitution, Magna Carta, bill of rights, charter, or any other document. None of us ever agreed to it, and none of them are bound by it.

The governments are the gangs you fear. They already took over. Taxation and licenses are racketeering writ large. What do you think the Russo-Ukraine war is over if not gang turf? And the government is its own judge, jury, and executioner. There are no fair trials when the State is fundamentally both prosecution and judge. The military and police have always been brutal enforcers first and foremost. Just ask an Indian. Dot or feather.

The law is not handed down by legislators, it is discovered by reason. Government invariably declares exceptions to every crime for itself.

If greed and lust for power were not a base human trait, governing by agreement would work well!

Sadly, what will happen after the SHTF, is that nature abhors a vacuum; so with no limiting laws, consensus will be obtained by force! Welcome to totalitarianism, this will be the fate of many who are not well enough armed....

There will be a small community at the homestead, we have already set up. We will be well armed, with remote guarded access. Hopefully that will deflect the totalitarian influences, if not, we will be forced to say NO!

I hope things go well for you and yours, and I hope you find your Utopia!


Anarchism is not Utopia. Utopia is believing that fallen man can make a just state.

Anarchy is currently a very popular method of government. It is practiced in a limited form in prison. It is limited because even in prison there are guards to limit the violence, which would Not be available after SHTF!

There is a reason that one of the more violent biker gangs is named "the sons of anarchy"....

I hope you find a non-violent result! I plan to limit violence by practicing final violence, in response to threatened violence.


Prison is maximum state control. Biker gang names have no economic, political, or rational meaning. Once more, society functions in spite of the State because anarchy is the reality of our lives most of the time. Your arguments are incoherent.

No, my arguments are based on the fact that human nature will devolve to violence, due to greed and the hunger for power.

Prisons are mostly ignored internally, barring a serious violence event.

A community based on anarchy, will be over run, even if they say NO; to the force that wants what the community has!

Tell me how you would make anarchy work safely, in a SHTF situation....
