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RE: The Disappearance of Natural Immunity: The Latest COVID1984 Vaccine 'Science' & Push for Mandatory Vaccination

I'm not a victim, I'm not wearing a mask now and I haven't this whole time, but for those who follow the guidelines and mandates, there are many places requiring that the unvaxxed wear a mask while those taking the new vaccines are 'allowed' to take their masks off. (I refer to it in singular to distinguish from other vaccines out there such as polio, MMR, etc. which are not required to go maskless, knowing there are 3 available COVID injections in the US)

Yes, people opting out of the experimental vaccine program are being made into second class citizens, they are being told to continue living under the medical tyranny (masks, distancing, etc.) while the rest are encouraged to go back to normal, they will not be allowed in many universities, they will not be allowed to travel, some will not be employed or will lose their jobs, and this pressure will only continue to increase as it already has. I am not paranoid, these are simply the facts, and those driving this agenda have made it abundantly clear that if they get their wish, normal life in society will be dependent upon taking the new vaccine(s). It's already happening in Israel, it's beginning to take place here now too. There are already jobs I can't get without the vaccine, airlines announcing they will require vaccine passport for travel by the end of the year, that's not me being paranoid or framing myself as a victim, just the simple reality of the situation these days.

Maybe you have not been mistreated yet, neither have I, although I have been mistreated for opting out of wearing mask a few times. When they begin to demand proof of vaccination for college, for employment, for travel, for sports games and what not, please tell me then you're not being mistreated. That reality is only a matter of time if we don't turn this technocratic agenda around.


You say you arn't a victim and then talk about how you are being mistreated.
You say you arnt paranoid and then lay out a paragraph of worries.

The problem here is that you think being asked to wear a mask in a business is you being mistreated.

It's discrimination to deny basic services to those opting out of medical interventions they do not wish to receive, as both masking and vaccines are. If people want to deny me opportunity to work a job or to do business somewhere because I won't take the jab (or wear mask), that's up to them, I don't feel victimized by it, I just take my business elsewhere. But it's still a reality, and if this spreads, I don't think it is good when many people will be denied many services simply for refusing to take an experimental injection. Speaking out about this agenda and voicing concerns based upon the very open plans of the people driving this agenda is not paranoia, it's journalism. And someone may be mistreated and choose not to see themselves as a victim, as I have done whenever I feel someone has mistreated me (not just in regards to covid measures)...

Looking at Austria, I am pretty sure autumn is going to see a rise in numbers of infections, no matter if they are real or just based on unreliable test results. I can see a scenario being set up in which the non-vaccinated will be blamed for that. As a consequence there might be stronger enforcement and heavy fines for non vaccinated people not wearing masks. At that point, they will be easily spotted, as the mask will be the mark. More easy then to point fingers at them.

Now imagine this scenario further down the road; the star of David also didn't appear all of a sudden, but slowly found its way into 'acceptance' during the Nazi times.

In this scenario I can also recognize that it must not necessarily be an ethnic group that is being discriminated, but the ones who signal dissent to a dubious vaccination.

Now give it another few years, and maybe you get the picture I am talking about...

I do not hope that it will go this way, but Austria (and Germany) seem to move towards reconnecting with their history in a most dubious way.

(disclaimer: To all my knowledge the C19 is not a dangerous threat to humanity. If you take a look at the history of pandemics, it is close to nothing. And what threat is left can be handled, if done wisely and not populisticly.
But I do see the politisized full-force reactions to it as a threat, and not necessary.)

You are straight up telling a paranoid story that has no basis in fact and using that as justification for your own paranoia. I'm not going to touch any of the specifics here like that autism bullshit. You deserve to be treated better by yourself than this. I don't know if you think telling yourself horror stories and then preparing for that kind of thing is making you stronger but it's just you handing the wheel for your own imagined fears.

I am not sure whom are you talking to now, jason or me?
In general I find it noteworthy that in these conversations it is always that the side that critisizes the mainstream approach is the side that stays rather calm and factual, and the side defending it rather quickly gets emotional and slightly rough.
We are presenting views here according to our knowledge, and if you do not like them, you are free to disagree. But please add to the information pool and don't call things bullshit and discredit the facts they are based on while at the same time refraining from stating your facts.

I am happy if I am kind of prepared if shit hits the fan, and even more happy if it does not happen.

(This is in memory of what used to be called 'discourse').

In general I find it noteworthy that in these conversations it is always that the side that critisizes the mainstream approach is the side that stays rather calm and factual, and the side defending it rather quickly gets emotional and slightly rough.

Bud, if you scroll up you will find a post where you are telling stories about all the bad things you can see coming while providing zero evidence or proof. Since then I've been nothing but kind to you. If you think me pointing out that this paranoia is not serving you well is me attacking you or being overly emotional is a a misread of this situation.

You seem pretty deep in your collapse fantasies, I'll not interrupt that. I'm not sorry me pointing out living in a fantasy terrible future is making you less happy here and now and hope that gets stuck in your teeth long enough for you to maybe digest it.

Again, it's not paranoia, it's what THEY are planning for society, and it's been openly presented to the public for nearly a year now. Here's just one example from all the way back last August - COVID-19 vaccines could become mandatory. Here’s how it might work.

"After a COVID-19 vaccine is available, you may need to get inoculated to go to the office, attend a sporting event, or even get a seat at a restaurant." And again, "This is the future as some experts see it: a world in which you’ll need to show you’ve been inoculated against the novel coronavirus to attend a sports game, get a manicure, go to work, or hop on a train."

The future as some experts see it, the same experts driving the technocratic agenda (Bill Gates and co.), and they've been pushing this agenda for over a year now. It's not paranoia to notice their plans and speak out against them, even before they've been made reality, although in Israel it is becoming reality, and their digital passport system has been hailed as 'the model for the world'. China, too, requiring vaccine passports and leading the way with social credit scores as well, and we've been fed the narrative that we should follow in China's footsteps for many months now. Airlines openly stating plans to require vaccine passport as condition for travel, employers already making vaccination a condition for employment, schools already mandating the vaccine, and yet it's paranoia to think it may soon be a condition for 'normal' life in society? The writing is on the wall. There are many more mainstream pieces going into much more detail about how this will be the new normal. The only question is whether those planning this future succeed or not, that mandatory vaccination is their plan cannot be disputed, and mainstream pieces continue to push this agenda. Here's a most recent piece from Bloomberg advocating forced injections:

What Happens When Vaccine Incentives Aren’t Enough?
Reluctant citizens can slow down herd immunity despite abundant vaccines. Compulsory shots are unpalatable, but may be necessary.

You can say that it is paranoia that is based in some great information. When you are having thoughts of persecution coming from a shadowy THEM there is simply a word for what that is.

And that word is paranoia.