
There is a group that is pulling all these strings to make their ends meet.
I showed you an entry in the congressional record that points to this. Do you remember, 1912? Let's call that 'not very long ago' in the big picture. This plan goes back, pre-bible. I can't pinpoint how far, but many millenia for sure.

“We have exterminated the property owners in Russia. We are going to do the same thing in Europe and America." (The Jew, December, 1925, Zinobit)

Class war + Race war.
The race war goes back before most know. How bout Jacob and Esau? No? Ok, then further. How bout Enki and Enlil? No? Further than that?? I'll have to look harder..... Juno and Minerva? Hmm....could be.. Who are they? I don't know. Maybe I am crazy.

"This may seem strange. What can there be in common between Communism and the largest banks? Ho-ho! The Communism of Marx seeks an enormous centralization of the state, and where such exists, there must inevitably be a central state bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, which profiteers from the labour of others, will always find a way to prevail. In reality, for the proletariat, this would be a barrack regime, under which the working men and the working women, converted into a uniform mass, would rise, fall asleep, work, and live at the beat of the drum." ~ Bakunin (1814-1876)


That isn't what I was saying no.
(fiat)Currency does fuel class+race war though.

I would tend to agree, but I'm pretty sure nobody's abandoning fiat anytime soon!

Side note, you are powering huge! Ever upvote I do is lowering my vote power over time and yours is going up with each upvote. I am considering moving some of my other coins into Hive to power up more too. I feel like an itty bitty sub-minnow! :D

I'm pretty sure nobody's abandoning fiat anytime soon!

Thanks to all those that don't care about what they don't know.
Try teaching some folks this, and watch the Fluoride Stare:

Even with an audio/visual, they won't watch (99.5%) of them in my experience, and forget about getting anyone to read a/the book!
Books are so early 20th century!!! :D

Just keep eating and drinking your poison. I'm sure you'll be just fine for another few decades or so...

Yep and damn I forgot my Visual!

fluoride stare2.jpg

So if less than 2% of 'whites' owned slaves in the usa...
...and less than 3% of 'blacks' owned slaves in the usa...

..then who actually owned all those slaves?

That is the question.
Watch that video I linked you about slavery. It is short and will divulge much to you that you should become aware of, to have these discussions we are having :)

The overwhelming "majority" of "whites" never owned slaves and therefore there is no reason to suffer "white guilt".

I believe we already agree on this.

Yes we do but that is not the point of my comment, since, we already agree on that. Let's try to leave out the fallacies. I am.

..then who actually owned all those slaves?
That is the question.

Who actually owned all those slaves?

The rich and powerful (OWNERS).

Just like they still do.

Their "race" and country of origin, or "heritage" or "culture" has nothing to do with it.

Scythian, Sumerian, Nephilim, or what have you.

Some are just better at it than others.

Their "race" and country of origin, or "heritage" or "culture" has nothing to do with it.

What made you say this? Try to reach into yourself, deep, and discover what makes you think this, and if you can, then ask, why did you allow yourself to tell your 'self' that.

It absolutely matters. This could be a limiting factor to your 'seeing' the 'obfuscated'. This is why I asked you this question. So we could see what your 'feelings' would actually go to. I say feelings because, your declaration is not fact, but opinion. An 'opinion' that remedied ignorance would change. I don't know if the way I explain to you, can even begin to break barriers constructed around all of our psyches. This is a good test I guess. I am always ready to see if your points and 'Facts' will change my thinking as well.


Please explain to me how it matters if they were Scythian, Sumerian, Nephilim, or what have you.

It's just like that show "Ancient Aliens" (Chariots of the Gods).

So what? So what if space-invaders built Pumapunku or whatever.

Who cares? What does any of this mean to anyone alive today?

Who cares? What does any of this mean to anyone alive today?

“We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism; the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil.

Your stance fits the Nihilism part quite well. This is exactly what they want.
"Who Cares".

I often say:
USA Old Creed: To be forewarned is to be forearmed.
USA New Creed: Who Cares!

Our 'Roots' are far, far more important than the mass majority can even fathom.
You say "Human Nature". So since it does not matter to you whether space invaders, or 'demons' or 'archons' or unnatural parasites, rule you, they will therefore always be able to rule you, by Silent Consent. Or just flat out Consent.

Real quick, does this mean anything to you by chance?:

root races.jpg


History we are not taught in 'school'. Try to look at it objectively. As a child. Brand new hard drive in your little head. Ready to be filled.
Where are the movies for our people?


Do you believe in the principle of national sovereignty?

Do you believe in the principle of personal sovereignty?

You can't really espouse the virtue of one without the other.

I'd love to entertain those questions.
Just as soon as you entertain mine that were posed, before these.
And maybe, offer your opinion on the White Slave Trade.

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make regarding "the white slave trade".

Do you want "reparations" or something?

Do you want "reparations" or something?

Lol, wow.....No

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make regarding "the white slave trade".

I spelled it out, literally in another post. I don't possess the patience to keep showing the same thing. I have been doing this for decades, and there are some minds that are not ready to look. "They will look on their own accord, we are told".
I took the time to spell this out again, to a LogicZombie, thinking that Logic would prevail. And it may, eventually, I don't know. But, if you are resisting the logic that should have appeared before you already, then you are simply suffering the effects of cognitive dissonance.
What I am telling you, isn't sitting right in your 'program', and you will search, and reach, for anything to hang on to the 'Reality' that you 'Know', at the expense of Points and Truths that will evade your perception. This is not a 'fault' per se. This is the standard. -They- knew what they were doing. "The 'slaves' will fight against those that break free."
Again, like the matrix....

Do you know why the Matrix, and so many other movies disclose things, and people think "Wow that movie maker somehow got this through the 'censors'!"
Well, they didn't. The 'movies', along with music, media, school, etc, all 'Disclose' the 'Plan'. They have to. It is part of their 'Universal Doctrine'. Maybe you are religious, or maybe you are atheist, but the 'powers that be' are definitely religious, whether you know or not, like or not. They have to adhere to Luciferian Doctrine, which means that they have to give, FREE WILL to everyone.

Free Will. Do they give us free will? Yes they sure do. However it is 'obfuscated'. Tricks. Like a movie. Take the Matrix. Science 'Fiction' right? Well that matters not. Whether they call it 'fiction' or not. They still have to tell you what they are doing, and they do so in 'fiction', so that YOUR mind tells you, this is fake, even if it isn't.


Did you speak out against being a battery slave? You sure didn't, why would you? It was fiction after all, right?
You must, not CONSENT, to say 'No'.
"I DO NOT CONSENT" <--- very powerful spell


But, if you are resisting the logic that should have appeared before you already, then you are simply suffering the effects of cognitive dissonance.

Maybe you could try condensing your point into a simple SYLLOGISTIC STATEMENT.


To a very complex issue that you have already resisted (opening the door) on your own. "Syllogistic Statements" are valid and useful for something simple and direct. If this topic were such, that would work, with a one paragraph statement. I broke it up into multiple though. So that, not to 'lead you' to my direct thought. I brought you to the door, hoping you would open it.

Syllogistic - Simplified
"White" is Evil due to slavery/racism
Whites experienced worse chattel slavery themselves, for even longer time
Whites ended slavery (the only race to do so after thousands of years of others doing so)
Whites do not deserve the slandering they receive

Now, it seems that you really didn't even get phased by that information about the white slave trade/navy/etc. Maybe that was just my perception problem I don't know. However the fact that you completely wrote that out of the whole equation told me that it was something that didn't sit right with you, enough for you to disregard that out of your 'not seeing my point'.

Can you see that point now? It is frustrating when people ignore that HUGE factor.