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RE: What Does white privilege Mean? | Pop Culture by

in Informationwar4 years ago

So if less than 2% of 'whites' owned slaves in the usa...
...and less than 3% of 'blacks' owned slaves in the usa...

..then who actually owned all those slaves?

That is the question.
Watch that video I linked you about slavery. It is short and will divulge much to you that you should become aware of, to have these discussions we are having :)


The overwhelming "majority" of "whites" never owned slaves and therefore there is no reason to suffer "white guilt".

I believe we already agree on this.

Yes we do but that is not the point of my comment, since, we already agree on that. Let's try to leave out the fallacies. I am.

..then who actually owned all those slaves?
That is the question.

Who actually owned all those slaves?

The rich and powerful (OWNERS).

Just like they still do.

Their "race" and country of origin, or "heritage" or "culture" has nothing to do with it.

Scythian, Sumerian, Nephilim, or what have you.

Some are just better at it than others.

Their "race" and country of origin, or "heritage" or "culture" has nothing to do with it.

What made you say this? Try to reach into yourself, deep, and discover what makes you think this, and if you can, then ask, why did you allow yourself to tell your 'self' that.

It absolutely matters. This could be a limiting factor to your 'seeing' the 'obfuscated'. This is why I asked you this question. So we could see what your 'feelings' would actually go to. I say feelings because, your declaration is not fact, but opinion. An 'opinion' that remedied ignorance would change. I don't know if the way I explain to you, can even begin to break barriers constructed around all of our psyches. This is a good test I guess. I am always ready to see if your points and 'Facts' will change my thinking as well.


Please explain to me how it matters if they were Scythian, Sumerian, Nephilim, or what have you.

It's just like that show "Ancient Aliens" (Chariots of the Gods).

So what? So what if space-invaders built Pumapunku or whatever.

Who cares? What does any of this mean to anyone alive today?

Who cares? What does any of this mean to anyone alive today?

“We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism; the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil.

Your stance fits the Nihilism part quite well. This is exactly what they want.
"Who Cares".

I often say:
USA Old Creed: To be forewarned is to be forearmed.
USA New Creed: Who Cares!

Our 'Roots' are far, far more important than the mass majority can even fathom.
You say "Human Nature". So since it does not matter to you whether space invaders, or 'demons' or 'archons' or unnatural parasites, rule you, they will therefore always be able to rule you, by Silent Consent. Or just flat out Consent.

Real quick, does this mean anything to you by chance?:

root races.jpg

What's the practical upshot?

Are you suggesting some sort of "genetic superiority" of the "polarians"?

What do you believe this "means" to you?

Are MOBSTERS and CON-ARTISTS not employing the exact same tactics regardless of their "genetic makeup"?