
Neither of those options if very good for me and my family. We can really only bug in, due to disabilities and babies. We have a decent spot but it's not sustainable (with land, water supply, etc). Maybe if crypto goes to the moon and beyond, I'd have enough to buy a little something? But then, all real estate is bubbling along with everything else, so who knows. As for fighting I'm not very well set up for that, and would probably just get wiped out. My only hope might be finding somewhere else to bug out to, move as much of my stuff there as I can, and try to get set up before everything falls to shit.

I was saving to leave Canada. Since that's not possible, or affordable anymore either I am essentially in the same boat.

I have a very powerful motivator though, my great great grandfather gave up everything to take his family away from the Ukrainian to avoid the Soviet socialism, so I am willing to die to prevent my life from being run by socialists.

My cousin lives in Vernon and loves cannabis, been trying to find you at those protests casually but I also have never seen a picture of you I dont think, so I have to go by your protest style lol

Oh? Well maybe I'vet met your cousin already, who knows. He could email me or contact me some other way, to make it easier to coordinate a meet at an event. But just showing up regularly should eventually work, too. At least some of the people there know me by DRutter, or would recognize my last name on its own. Yeah I don't really put my photos online, and all my videos are aimed at my hands, or away from me (like at coins, plants, etc). But my wife @MediKatie has been widely photographed, and I'm (as far as I know!) the only dude with her at such events, so if she's around then I shouldn't be hard to get a hold of.

Oh yeah I remember you were saving for TX or FL etc. Yeah... I keep imagining scenarios like that too. Or even Alberta or just some much smaller BC town. We don't want no 5g, we don't even use 3g or 4g. Tired of sirens going past day and night, tired of homeless people that live the begging lifestyle on purpose, tired of huge trucks or bikes going past almost blowing the windows out, tired of being around so many people... even here. But moving is hard, I can't do much of the work myself anymore (chronic pain, fatigue, join issues, balance and coordination, etc). Katie is a hard worker, but is limited in what duties she can take on. Like she's great at cooking and dishes but can't vacuum or lift large things. I used to be the heavy, but the last few years have been rough for me. Now we've got Brett, so moving is REALLY hard. Neither of us are permitted to operate vehicles (although I'm a great driver). And we're on a very limited budget so moving is just plain tough.

There's the possibility our HIVE will do something, We have like 17000 of them. At the previous high of 8.19, that's 140k USD. Of course there's no guarantee it will go back up, but we've seen a small rise recently, so it could be on the way. Who knows right? Then again, if that happens, my ex (who is probably always watching what I do) will come knocking for my crypto, I just know it! As soon as it's worth enough for her to snatch, she'll send some lawyer letter or something. That's how you know your tokens are real money, right? The govt (or your ex) comes for them! Few years ago, people said I was toying around with silly digital nothings.... and pretty soon they're gonna come try and take my silly digital nothings LOL

Anyway, maybe I can pay that off AND have something left over, depending on timing? Who the hell knows. It sure would be nice to get my DL, passport, and bank accounts back again. The last several years has been, well, inconvenient and expensive. It's not very efficient to have to walk/bus all the time, not be able to use banking services (ever), can't cross the border, rent vehicles, etc etc. Very restrictive! I would be happier and more productive by far if I wasn't so locked down this way, but in the govt's wisdom, that's how they deal with poor divorced fathers in 2021.

Even that aside.... maybe without money I can still make something happen. Maybe somebody who already has land or money is looking for somebody they can trust, who has skills like growing food and medicine. A lot of people have nothing left to lose right now and are up for a big change... ready to do what they always said they would do if something like this happened. Maybe a group of people want to pool resources/skills and start a new settlement somewhere. I don't know, but I'm trying to be open and ready for possibilities. I'm sure all this has already been simulated and planned for, but I don't know what else to do. Opting out as much as possible is my main personal strategy.

I know some people online (but I'm shadowbanned and censored a lot of places nowadays), and I'm starting to network with grassroots people locally... so maybe an opportunity will come up, or I'll think of a cool idea and get something started.

my ex (who is probably always watching what I do)

Your keys, your crypto

Tell her and her lawyer, I appear to have forgotten my password, which is known as a private key on Hive. Sorry for our loss.

Lol for them to prove you lied would require miracle legal work... why would you care about lying to a psychic leech who feeds off other plates?

Also if my crypto holdings, which I started in 2013, are ever worth enough, I plan to invest in farmland in your area, my family loves wine and I love cannabis, I would need to hire a grower because I actually suck at anything not tech related, once I don't have my phone or PC, I am handicapped and only capable of self defense or making heavy metal as a musician.

Haha yeah, well that may be the case anyway. I've never actually sold any STEEM or HIVE, just converted everything to HIVE and powered it up. Never used an exchange, etc. And I have no smart device or bank account at all, never will, so doing anything with it is very hard. I can't confirm my master key is working. Anyhow, I'm not opposed to paying her if I suddenly get rich. It would just really suck for her to suddenly make some kind of play for it at a really bad time, like during a pullback or right before a big move up.

Farmland is a great idea. The price seems to just keep going up and up these past few years, and especially right now. Everybody wants land now. Ahhh if only we had seen any of this coming, eh? Heh ;)

I'd be glad to have you in my circle of peeps... share skills and favours and such. Who knows what the future holds.... or perhaps this won't be too far into the future. You never know when crypto can just suddenly do a x10 within weeks.

Do you have discord?

50% of what we do is dabs lol the other 50% is game in this one private server with only Vernon residents, someday I'll invite you in

You know I !LUV dabs...
But hate Discord lol
I do have it though (same name there) but don't really understand it. I can fire it up sometime for a chat or whatever though.