
Are you a discord daily?

Are you a discord junkie?
Are you a discord addict?
Do you think discord is important?
Did discord make you more hive?
Is discord an addition ?
Is discord needed ?
Did discord make you more known on the platform?
Do you tip a special discord room?
Want to share an invite link to a discord?

All is possible and I would love to make comment strings with information about discord for and to all of us.
So no upvote needed, tell me things you need us to know, special rooms, special things that could help people. Help with understanding Discord .
Share all you want, tell me persons you met in discord before you became a hiver. And all i don’t know already.

See you in the comments !


Thanks for stopping by, its appreciated and remember focus on being creative instead of being bee-zy.

Remember we are only one comment away from eachother.

Consistent Actions Create Consistent Results.
Not everyone is a blogger but everyone has something great to offer.

Lover of Life and L❤️ve in General - @brittandjosie

I am a proud member off the #theTerminal #powerhousecreatives @ladiesofhive.
Co founder for @theterminal, @heyhaveyamet and @steem-aide

(c) All images and photographs, unless otherwise specified, are created and owned by me. @brittandjosie originals. Sources used : Pixabay and Pexels and with others its mentioned in my blog. I only use a canon camera and my iPhone.

I would like to thank you for reading my blog, feel free to leave me any feedback, if not, read you next time.



Your personal Discord terminal invite :


Blog Date : 2 oktober 2020


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 25 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Gracias again

I use it everyday, especially to get informed about the games SL and eXode, both in Hive. I should post and comment much more here.

No i feel the same, if discord comments would count more i. Would be an orca. Do you think a blockchain has life without discord?

And at first discord was for gamers right? It was meant for that?

I think that some proyects are trying to produce an alternative to discord, there is a hive chat going on developing, if one of these manages to substitute it would be a success for this blockchain, imo discord is needed now as a way to communicate in a simply way betweeen hivers.

Discord is a gaming chat, yes, also is a way to have connected by voice to users that play cooperative games.

I use discord pretty routinely, I like the personal chat it can give us. I really like the DM feature though I know that is overused for a lot of people.

I have 3 discord servers that I check routinely and offer input on. If it weren't for discord how would I know that Hiveblog is broken due to the upcoming Hard Fork and not just broken due to ordinary reasons.

I am also part of 3 private servers that aren't used much until somebody has something to say. Those can be pretty important depending on the message and the person saying it.

So. Until there is a viable Hive Chat I think Discord is vital to who we are and what we do on the chain. Particularly for communities.

I totally agree and the dm is a feature i cant do without either. But if the chats and comments in discord would count on hive i would be an orca on hive!

Only 3 open discords being PHC, and the others if i may ask?

First I think we are going to see a Hive Chat feature that will be community specific so that there won't be the system wide dickheads to deal with. Or we will continue to lean on Discord. Can you imagine trying to have the discussions we have on PHC with the system trolls involved? No woman would be safe.

I probably should have said four. PHC, the Alliance, PAL and Hive. I spend the bulk of my time on PHC but the others also have things going that I like. Hive is where I get 'official news' and such.

I am on Discord all day long every single day, it has become my main source of social media, as far as being addicted? I can quit anytime (snicker snicker, snort snort!!!) It is as indispensible as keychain and peakd and hiveworld and is a functional tool.

Yes its in dise]pensable but wouldnt it be great as the comments in discord could cony]unt on hive aswell? This is for me and addiction aswell, i am here everyday and in discord aswell so being a daily is addition i guess

If there was an actual live chat feature on chain, I doubt I would even use Discord. It really is the only reason I'm there. Sure, we have the servers for specific communities, but if those communities had that same capability on PeakD for example? Why would even use discord?