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RE: Serendipity

I'm not a give in or give up sort of guy though; capitulate isn't in my vocabulary but I've had to accept certain realities.

I would never have guessed caveman. I think there is room in everyone's personality to give a little to get a lot. Especially when it comes to love. Well, you know how I feel about love.

It makes the world go round.

I never play hardball when I am not wearing a mitt. Also, what did make you bring that cell phone AND answer it? Fate? Serendipity? Hope? A little bit of everything? It sounds like it was a great hike! A spring in your step makes the hike go faster!


I'm a bit of a giver Denise; generous by nature and one who is often willing to go without for others, or at least go out of my way, especially if they mean something to me. I don't like begging though but I guess, in this case, you know I'm not really talking about money but more emotionally, and of oneself.

Sometimes what I give is unrequited of course, but that's just the way it is. I'm often perceived as hard AF and I guess that could be a way to describe me, but I am also many more things, most of which people will never choose to see or value. It's ok though, I'll be me, they can be them. In their defence I don't often let people see who I am but I guess some people look a little more deeply than others.

The phone thing...It was weird. Something just said to me get your phone. I don't know, it's a mystery, but I'm glad I took it. I wold have seen the message later of course, but right about then it made my hike better.

I can absolutely tell you are a giver, in more ways than one and it doesn't take a genius to see that. Of course, I was poking you because you are fun, but, it is never fun to stick your finger in a vulnerability.

You can play hard, but, usually, that is a cover for the softer side that you don't let people see. I understand not letting people see, one should never show his whole hand. My thoughts are with you tonight and as always, have a great day!

You need another hike! Take the phone!

Obviously you are one who sees a little more clearly than others.

Hike will be happening...Just wrapping up work now...1505...Heading home for snacks then will deploy for a hike.

cover for the softer side


Take your phone!

Phone will accompany me, as will my hope.

I'll be thinking of you and your hike. High step it!