May I introduce you who am I in a car model? - If I were a car, Hive creative Contest.


Source: Scholty1970 - Pixabay.

Does this emblem seem familiar to you? If you do not know it, I present it to you. This is the emblem of the Mercedes Benz Company that manufactures the car that I have always liked, my dream, the car that I want to have and the car that looks like me. Why ?

Our environment describes us, what we eat, what we wear, the friends we have and the car we have. This car is very similar to me because it is simple but expensive, fast but safe, everyone looks at it but it is very faithful and not everyone can have it.


Source: Emslichter - Pixabay.

This is the model 208S of the year 1980 and it is the car that took me to know the Mercedes Benz, whenever I passed a dealer I kept looking at the cars, their models and my head was twisted seeing them.

I describe myself as a woman of good taste, classic, up-to-date, simple, quickly adaptable and I like comfort and romantic. I find all this in a model of the Mercedes Benz because they take pains because their customers are satisfied with the product.

Soource: YouTube - UnivisiónAutos - Jaime Gabaldoni.

If I have to choose a model that represents me, that would be this truck. I like trucks because they give the feeling of being able to carry more people and the luggage is well accommodated without disturbing its occupants.

I like comfort and that others feel comfortable. This truck has a belt in its 5 seats, something that seems very important to me is that the passengers' knees do not hit the front cushion and they are reclining.. It is spacious and comfortable.

If you came to my house you would sit on the furniture in the living room, spacious and you would not trip over any object. This truck is off-road, like me. I love the mountains and this truck can travel on the most inhospitable roads such as the stone roads that we always get in the mountains.

The car models have evolved, so I have had to evolve too, but without changing brands. They say that a prevented woman is worth two, so I apply that to my truck that fulfills a double function: The city and the mountains, although it is also excellent for the beach and the countryside.

I only ask my friend @zord189 that if he buys it first that I take me for a ride, please.

And you, what kind of car do you describe yourself with? Encourage to participate in this contest created by @zord189 in this link:

WhatsApp Image 2020-07-14 at 5.37.49 PM.jpeg



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Great choice!

Thank you @creativemary, this is like me, exactly.

Lol and would you be a transformer or just stay a car for good?