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RE: The (not) rocket man and rocket girl

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE3 years ago (edited)

I use to say NEVER till I did many things I said I would never do. Now it is almost taboo for me to say it, so I try not too LOL !!!!

This is not the same kind of reminded me....

When I was 20'ish or barely more, I decided I would go visit one of my Grandmothers every week or two. She lived alone and back then in this area, you didn't always call first as is polite and necessary if you were going to see family. I can't even imagine not calling first now, but....

I stopped for a visit and we talked and talked in her living room and after a while she asked me if I had eaten lunch and I said no, so she asked if I would like to have a sandwich with her and I said yes. I followed her to the kitchen where she looked around in her fridge and said "You do eat tomatoes don't you? I believe that may be all I have for a sandwich here.

NO.. .NO... No I didn't eat tomatoes ! They were gross and the gushy slimy seed part was hideous !

But it was all she had to offer and I heard myself say "Yes I do !"

eh hem....

So, I watched as she sliced the beautiful tomatoes she had grown in her own garden, get out bread and mayo. I watched to see her put mayo on both pieces of bread, so that is what I did too. All the while, in my head, I was gasping "how am I going to eat this? how am I going to take a bite?? OMGoodness I hope I don't gag ! 😂 I took that first bite of course and.... it was AWESOME.... I do mean delicious ! I couldn't believe it so...

To this day I think tomatoes were hideous before that very moment, but because I was being a good granddaughter and accepting the only thing my Grandmother had to offer, God made tomatoes start tasting delicious that very day. LOL

Grandmothers.... or a pretty/handsome face..... no telling what one would do for either.


You are completely right and I'll confess that I'll eat just about anything, but it wouldn't have made for a very fun post if I wrote, here's my lunch, it was good. So, I made it a little more interesting and creative.

You're right though, we really need to experience things before we turn our noses up at them, within reason I mean. I'm talking about food here, not heroin or self-mutilation etc. I htink you know what I mean.

I actually eat rocket all the time as it's so widely used here, but I'd rather eat something else.

And yeah, pretty faces...Damn them! 😆

My Dad had a big garden and we always had to try things. There were tomatoes everywhere all summer. I loved sauces with tomatoes in them, spaghetti, chili, catsup for sure ! We didn't have to keep eating them if we found we didn't like them, but we had to taste the first time. I'm sure I had tasted raw tomatoes before, but it had been when I was very young. My tastes have changed over the years and I eat many things I didn't like as a child.... tomato sandwiches though.... only started tasted good on that magic day.

Our tastes change over time, I know mine has...Blue cheese wasn't a thing for me in my twenties...Later, it's a thing! The same for everyone I guess...We just have to get over that initial hurdle.

Uhhhhh I know why it changes...being a smartass now lol.

Every 7+/- years the taste buds change, pretty much our entire body is renewed with new cells and atoms within that time period.

We are kinda not the same anymore.

Also taste buds develop in different stages, that is why kids don't like broccoli or bitter stuff. Mother nature made them not like it, parents shouldn't force them to eat what they don't like.


So you're telling me that I only ever get to seven years old and then I'm new again? No wonder I only act like a seven year old!

😂 Off to bed now young is late lol

But...But...But it's only 9:30!