Hive Creative Contest | My Bucket List(Contest Results)

Photo by Jonatan Lewczuk on Unsplash

Tell Me About It

I have decided to open this contest that I used to host weekly for my community 'Powerhousecreatives' to the public. Now everyone can join.

For starters, this contest will have a duration of approximately 1 week and a new contest will be announced every Tuesday (GMT+8) of the week. The results for the contest that week would be announced the following Monday night (1 week deadline) (GMT+8).

This contest genre will vary from drawing challenges, photo prompts, writing challenge and many more that will inspire you to think out of the box.

For this week's contest, it will be a something personal and fun!

It will be about sharing your bucket list. I personally have never had a bucket list until when I got older. I realized I needed a form of motivation or something that I must do before I die. One of them would be to travel to the alps, Switzerland. Another would be paragliding and bungee jumping at least once. I am always a fan of extreme sports such as these but I want to know about yours.

You can list as many as you want to, and if you haven't start a bucket list of your own, maybe this would be a good chance to do so.

My Bucket List


Criteria :

  1. Your entry must have no less than 300 words.
  2. The post must be in English or have English translation.
  3. You can use images/photos to better tell your story.
  4. Give a nice interesting title.


Submission :

  1. Your Entries(Hive Post)are to be posted here in the comment section below.

  2. One entry is allowed per participant.

  3. This contest must be done as a Hive Post.

  4. Post title must include 'Hive Creative Contest' and with your own title.


Rewards :

Top 5 Favourites = 5 HIVE Each

Honorable mentions = 0.5 HIVE Each

Shoutout to @sgt-dan for sponsoring 25 HIVE to this week's prize pool!


Deadline :

Sunday Night, 14/06/2020, 5.59PM (South Africa Time) - Contest Ended

Top Favourite Picks (5 HIVE Each)

Before I die. by @nathyortiz

Photographs taken from pixabay, a place of free images.

Since we are born and we become people with goals and projects at the door, our wish list has never stopped being missing in our lives. Even though we don't have it in writing, we have it in our minds and hearts, which we add to it a little more every day, that's why it becomes so important for people. Wishes are that fundamental part of the human being to see himself fulfilled in life and thus feel comfortable with what he has been doing and needs to do...

My Bucket List by @ecotone

Photo by @ecotone

My bucket list has nothing to do with the things I would like to experience or see before I die. It is more about what recognitions I would like to achieve while I am alive. A Nobel Prize would be nice. Or an Oscar. And an Oscar. That’s better. Receiving both would be great. A Beautiful Mind-genius gal with a bit less beautiful mind and a Hollywood-beautiful body instead. Nah, I am just messing with you...

Before I Reach 30 by @prechyrukky


There are quite a number of things I want to do in life and if you ask me to list them I will surely keep on going and going. So not to make my list that huge I limited my bucket list to what and what I want to do, achieve, and experience before 30 (9 years from now)...

MY BUCKET LIST by @talktofaith

Photo by @talktofaith

I am Faith Okoro by name, from Abia State Nigeria. My kind of person loves adventures. I love trying out new things even when others see it as odd...

Before I kick The Bucket(LOL) by @promzyelisha

Photo by @promzyelisha

Well in the past I never had a bucket list. As time went on, I needed to get some. These motivated me everyday. I have an unending list but I will share just 6 with you...

Honorable Mentions (0.5 HIVE Each)

A great cultural dive around the world. by @wiseagent


Traveling is one of my favorite hobbies. I just don't practice it as much as I would like to because I don't have the money for it, haha! However, I harbor within me the dream of being able to travel the whole world and know as many places as I can. So, for many years I have been working hard to one day be able to do it the way I want...

My Bucket List by @maeugenia

Image by @maeugenia

Well, this seems like a question easy to answer, but for me, the answer depends on the context or the moment in which you ask yourself this question. I can say that in my life I have made two bucket lists, one when I was a teenager and thought that life was eternal, and another when due to a serious illness I was close to death...

My Bucket List by @hlezama


As I brainstormed to write this post, I realized that, more than concrete plans of pending things to do before kicking the bucket. All the items in my list were wishes of things I hope happen before I die. All of them are related to our current political and economic situation, which affects and conditions everything else in our lives.

I would like to be woken up one day by the pandemonium of a freedom parade. The joy of knowing that the socialist curse is over and all its minions are behind bars paying for all the damage, pain and suffering they’ve caused. But, as I said at the beginning, that’s more wishful thinking than a concrete plan to be carried out...

My dream bucket list. by @manujune

Photo by @manujune

Travel to Japan. I would like to travel around the whole world and enjoy all the beauties of each country, but if I’m going to die and have no time but for one country, let it be Japan, because I feel so attracted to its culture and specially their discipline and good manners...

My wish list (what I long for most) by @mariela53

Photo by pixabay

I found this contest super interesting, the wish lists in my opinion have priorities at the time of writing them, in my case in an unconscious way, I feel that I want something, I externalize it either by writing, until I manage to materialize that desire.

I generally use a ritual once my wish list has been made, I ask God for the universe, I can recite some mantras, I take charge of that positive energy and visualize what I want, I see myself enjoying or obtaining what I have asked for in my wish list ...

Things I want to do before nature calls by @beckie96830


It's so unfortunate that nobody knows when he or she will eventually kick the bucket and say bye bye to the earth...

My Bucket List before 40😉 by @oredebby


Now if you do not understand what a bucket list is or means, its a target list of things you really wish to achieve in life before a certain period of time or before one dies (kick the bucket). Yea I hope you get it now.

Now I've had so many things in my mind since I was little and bringing them back to my mind made me realize one's dreams are achievable through determination and consistence. But your dreams must be feasible...

My Bucket List by @joythewanderer


I don't really make travel bucket list, normally when I feel like going somewhere, I go within a few months already, it's some kind of obsession I guess. But since corona, I have to make a bucket list for the coming years.

The past years I travelled to a lot of tropical locations, I hope my next trips are more for remote areas including more trekking and adventure. I've always liked, for example, Nordic countries for its unique landscape and climate, but because normally it's sooooo expensive there, so I haven't been there much, but I'd love to re-visit again...



After the Community Quarantine, I will be working for the rest of the year to attain my aspiration to travel at least three destination next year. My savings was spent mostly on my family's primary needs during the lockdown. I was not able to do my sideline to earn extra for my travel. I have been to different places in the Philippines like Misibis Bay, Boracay, Hundred Islands, Puerto Galera etc. I would like to further explore the beautiful places in the Philippines...

Next Travel Goals by @paulajogalix

Photo by @paulajogalix

I have recently almost finished my Southeast Asia bucket list, ticking all countries except Timor-Leste and Brunei just because I do not think they are worth visiting soon with its expensive fares from Singapore.

Project 81 is also on hold for me as it would be easier for me to finish anything outside The Philippines while I am still based in Singapore.

So yeah, after Southeast Asia, I am targeting South Asian countries.
Ideally, East Asia would be more straightforward. But I plan to bring my parents with me when I visit those counties. Due to their personal reasons, it would not be attainable.

Having said that, here's my bucket list for South Asia...

Sweet dreams for materializing in my life by @rosanita

Photo by @rosanita

Every year I make my wish list for the day of the Spirit of Christmas and almost always they are fulfilled, but thinking about these difficult moments that we are going through with the pandemic in the world I give another twist to that wish list and only for these moments what I want most is the following...

My Bucket List by @neiraurdaneta

Photo by @neiraurdaneta

Dreaming is free and I like to do it big, although unless I have a lucky break I don't think I can fulfill them all since my salary is not enough. But we should never lose our dreams and work for them, so here is my little bucket list...

MY BUCKET LIST by @cherylsonty

Photo by @cherylsonty

This contest brings memories,it helps you think to really know the kind of things you would want to do or achieve within a certain time or before your time it's up.

Am going to be sharing some of them and I will work towards achieving them all...

My Bucket List. by @botefarm


It is absolutely true that no one is leaving here alive, no one. The more it's necessary to live this life to the fullest and enjoy every bit of it, should in case you meet yourself at the other side, beside Father Abraham or being a neighbor to Judas Iscariot. Make sure you've enjoyed this part of the world before moving to the next. And how do you do this, by making sure you do some things to your own satisfaction, then leave this world without regret and that is what we call a bucket list...

My Wish List - AND WHY NOT NOW? by @pitina28


When you feel that you have already done everything, that you have a life, so suddenly and without thinking your son arrives with his wish list to fulfill. And you stay, as they say over there, with a single heel. I never even remotely thought of any list, only when I went to the market or to buy school supplies. In such a way that I said to myself, why not? I can also make my wish list. I believe and am almost convinced that it can be done at any age, or when you feel that you have not yet done anything, or when you feel that you have things to do. And that's how I decided to make my list and try to stick to it (I think so)...

Impossible is not! by @giocondina


What is part of my life, from a very young age he will come wanting to do so many things and well, of course for different reasons, some of my wishes have been fulfilled and others have not; but as a good dreamer and a believer in myself I know that whatever I propose I will fulfill. These are part of our lives, a chain that grows over time, sometimes we discard some and give priority to others; Many times without realizing it we have lists of things that we want but that we never fulfill and most of the things that we want are given without being planned...



Firstly I would love to be able to celebrate my 30th birthday with the orphans at the orphanage homes and the less privileged,I see people who have done this and I so much admire their heart of gold towards this little ones and I would want to be able to put smiles on the faces of people like this so as to make them feel loved and also give them a reason to keep living strong...

Thank You

I love your constant support and participation from all of you for this weekly contest. Please do drop by and give all these amazing entries some nice loving and engage with these amazing authors. Even better, give them a follow if you're all about the quality content on Hive. Next contest will come out tomorrow.

Want to join an awesome family of content creators?

I am part of a community called the Powerhousecreatives.If you want to be part of this awesome community, PowerHouseCreatives is always interested to meet people with amazing personalities and great content creators. If you want to know how to join us? Head on over to our Powerhousecreatives community channel and subscribe to us. The discord invitation is also there.

If you like what I do, check out my other posts on meetups, animation, and designs.

Get your Personalized Hive Profile Signatures

DM me on discord : zord189#7776

Credits to @pinstory & @coloringiship for this lovely photo of me.

Animated Banner Created By @zord189


Thank you for your support. Here's a !shop as token of appreciation.

Thank you for the contest. I love the contests held on Hive because I know someone will actually read the post I submitted to the contest (reading the posts thoroughly is not the strongest suit of most Hive bloggers unfortunately). So thank you for reading it and thank you for including it in your five favorite picks and thank you for 5 Hive. Summing it up: thanks a lot.

I will look forward for your next contest sir. Congrats to the winners and participants.

Thank you for the honourable mention,I appreciate

Thank you very much @zord189 for that prize, always keep an eye on your good contests.

Greetings and congratulations to other participants.

Thank you for the hive @zord189. I'm glad to have been mentioned.
Looking forward to another contest.

Thank you so much @zord189 for the last week contest, I made it to the 5 best. I am so happy...
Thank you @sgt-dan for the sponsorship, this is so kind of you. This contest has inspired me a lot even as a newbie in this community.

Thank You very much, @zord189 😀
Congratulations to every body, I wish all of you complete your lists. 🙏

Thanks so much for the opportunity given.
And congrats to my co participants