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RE: Have You Ever Read the Whole Entire Bible?

Last year, I started listening to the Word on the Bible app. I tried to do the whole Bible in three months, but it ended up taking 4. It was a pretty good way to do it and on 1.5 or 2 speed, it took less than 30 minutes a day. I made myself read along so I was focused on listening and not just having it as background noise. I also have done one of those daily Bibles in chronological order, but the extra commentary you have to read makes it take a while... Blessings to you!


My husband likes listening to the audio Bible while driving to and from work. It’s good that you make yourself read along. I’ve found if I don’t do that it also becomes background noise and I don’t really take it all in like I need to.

I know I’ll get it achieved but I need to stick to it once I start it again :)

I put a reminder on my Bible app before to make myself remember to do it. Plus I started it in Oct with 90 days left in the year, so I had a goal to finish before then (even though I didn't). It's crazy how it's hard to get started and develop that habit!

I know! I shamefully admit that I have to make myself do these things in order to make it a habit. Then once I stop it’s so hard to get back on track. 🤦🏽‍♀️