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RE: Have You Ever Read the Whole Entire Bible?

My husband likes listening to the audio Bible while driving to and from work. It’s good that you make yourself read along. I’ve found if I don’t do that it also becomes background noise and I don’t really take it all in like I need to.

I know I’ll get it achieved but I need to stick to it once I start it again :)


I put a reminder on my Bible app before to make myself remember to do it. Plus I started it in Oct with 90 days left in the year, so I had a goal to finish before then (even though I didn't). It's crazy how it's hard to get started and develop that habit!

I know! I shamefully admit that I have to make myself do these things in order to make it a habit. Then once I stop it’s so hard to get back on track. 🤦🏽‍♀️