
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 1thessalonians 5:18


Thanksgiving is the will of God for everybody who is in Christ Jesus, bible said that in everything we should give thanks.

It is a good thing to give thanks to the Lord, when you complain instead of giving thanks,it means you have forgotten all the goodness of God toward you.

Thanksgiving is not only when you must have achieve in life, as a believer, you give thanks even when things are not going well, you give thanks at all point of your life,because is a good thing to give thanks to the Lord.

God deserves your highest praise and Thanksgiving, only a thankful heart can be praiseful, when you have a heart of gratitude, you have prepared a spring ball from heaven and yourself, because when you thank Him for His finger he will definitely show you His hand.

A man of gratitude is a man of praise,when you are grateful, you will be praiseful, because it take a grateful heart to offer praise and Thanksgiving to the Lord.

Songs are invitation that God cannot refuse, when you praise you move God Himself, your prayer can move mountain but your praises move God.

So if you want to move God into that your ugly situation start praising God.

Every coded problem can be decode through praise, no situation of life can withstand praise, praise is one weapon of war that the devil cannot withstand, when you praise God, you throw the devil off balance.

So instead of complaining, start praising God, complainers,are for getters.

Thanksgiving is a mystery ,because nothing finish in the hand of a thanks giver, when your life lack thanks,your hand will lack resources, when your life is full of thanks, you tank will be filled.

Finally, the greatest problem of life doesn't need great approach, but a simple approach, heaven is always ready to answer a heart of Thanksgiving.

Don't forget that when you are thankful, your tank will be filled.

*Stay blessed, and be thankful.*

"every coded problem can be decoded through praise"
I love that statement and I've never heard that before. When challenges appear, they are really opportunities to grow and practice our faith. Praise allows us to uncover the blessings given to us through pain.

My favorite book of the Bible is Philippians. I love how Paul is so joyful in the middle of suffering. He's in prison and says that he doesn't know whether he'll die or live but it strikes me as the most joyful book in the bible. He writes: "Be anxious about nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplication make your requests known to God. And the peace of God that transcends all understanding will guard your hearts in Christ."

Praise is the key my friend. Thank you for a great post.

Yes praise is the key, thanks so much friend for stopping by, i' m encourage