Dance and music show week 241 - The longest-running show on Hive

in Dance and music2 years ago


Dear dance and music lovers

This is "Dance and music show week 241" but you can still take part in Dance and music show week 240 on Steemit until Friday, the 18th of March.

I like to create this event on Hive and Steemit but if you like to take part in Dance and music show week 241, you need to create a post on Hive.

How to enter:

You can take part in all the events if you like but one entry only for each event.

Upvote and share this post!

This dance and music event is aimed at people over 18 years old.

Write a post in the "Dance and music" community.

Use #danceandmusicshow as one of the four main tags.

Videos should be at least one minute long. You need to share a dance video and not a picture.

1. The title should be, "Dance week 241" if you are taking part in the longest-running event on Hive.

2. Title if you are taking part in the "Sing and play" event: Sing and play week 183 - Title of the song.

3. Title if you are taking part in the "Dance and have fun" event: Dance and have fun week 185.

4. Title if you are taking part in the "Keep fit and have fun" event: Keep fit and have fun week 100.

5. Title if you are taking part in the "Dance Party": Dance party week 74.

6. Title if you are taking part in the "Singing a cappella" event: Singing a cappella week 31.

7. Title if you are taking part in "Reggaeton night": Reggaeton night week 9.

8. Title if you are taking part in "Cumbia night": Cumbia night week 9.

9. Title if you are taking part in "For the dance and music community": For the dance and music community week 9.

10. Title if you are taking part in "Salsa night": Salsa night week 5.

11. Title if you are taking part in "Disco night": Disco night week 2. New event.

How to enter: Dance and music show week 240:

You need to share your link here as a comment.

Create your entry post by Friday, 25/03/22.

I hope you will take part in this fun show.

Have a great weekend!