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RE: Take the Pressure Off, Be Community-Minded

This is something I keep mulling over. The goal of online marketing, in the majority of instances, is to get people to go to a site and take action, usually buying something. Hence, the ultimate goal is to make money. All the social media engagement is meant to drive traffic.

With Hive, the engagement is the money maker. We get paid for taking the action. Thus, it appears the model is switching.

Yes community is vital. However, since it is tokenized, the community is really an economy, albeit in raw form at the moment. As these expand and are built out, there will be more opportunities. Therefore, we are witnessing a major paradigm shift happening right before our eyes.

Plus our actions are actually bringing it into being.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I love how you explain these things, it makes me realize more and more how powerful the people using Hive can be if we all try to add value in our own way.

As I keep saying, we each have a role to play.

This is a cooperative. Once people realize that, they can understand the value they bring. Those who opt to step up and increase their activity will see how powerful all of this is.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, agree. It's truly fun to see people stepping up with their content as well as engagement.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We have a good foundation with the people here. Now we just require more people, larger numbers.

That will really send things flying.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I can't wait :) haha
I've tried to convince SO many people from my home country from the moment I discovered Steem at the time, showing the results etc. None was "brave" enough to even check it out. I really bet plenty of them feel like idiots if they find out how users here managed to continue earning from their content even while the whole world was in financial trouble during this pandemic. So many of them have great skills and if they had taken the step to check it out, their lives would have been a bit different after losing their 9 to 5 job f.e.

But luckily plenty others find their way here that do see how valuable this platform is.

They will find it sooner or later. The fact that we are still early in the game shows there is plenty of room for growth. I agree there will be regret by many since leaving/ignoring does not get people filling their bags.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@taskmaster4450le man, in those terms the value of community is even more evident.

Thanks for providing that POV. Awesome!

Yep. Understanding Web 3.0 is really an essential thing. There is a complete remaking of the Internet. This is really going to be huge when the masses realize what is available.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta