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RE: Forgotten verticals. Colorful selection

in Photography3 years ago

encourage you to take some action

There are a few very inspirational people on Hive, that is sure. They encourage me to be consistent, to be very active on the platform, and I will reach my dream/goal. I am talking about people, who do this full time. They are making their living with Hive.

The community around here is fantastic, so I see the possibility that more and more people will do this full time. Maybe even me. The community can do wonders, and I am sure that I will reach my dream/goal one day. My dream/goal is to get out of the financial discrimination.

I am very grateful and very happy for all the help and the support I receive, and I am also trying to help and support others.

Have a nice day and have a nice weekend.
All the best. Greetings from Hungary.


I make a full-time job of $620 per month. I have two children, I live in a rented apartment. I have an old premium SUV, a fat bike, camera equipment and much more, and with all this I have enough money for food and clothes. I'm just not worried about money, although there were some problems a year ago. When you treat money easier, the system constantly throws up various bonuses and simply won't let you disappear. I just live here and now. Perhaps Russia differs from Hungary in terms of living conditions, but this is not what plays the main role.

It depends. How much is the apartment and the bills?
And living with $620 USD per month is much better than living with approximately $470 USD per month, which is not even reach the local minimum wage, which is (or rather would be) approximately $550 USD per month.

Until two years ago, I lived in a smaller city and my salary did not reach $ 200 a month. But there was a side job in the form of wedding photography and other reportage photography. But this was still not enough. Now I pay my monthly salary, as which was in the previous city (170-200 $), for renting an apartment and for utility bills. But I work not only at official work, but also on myself, on my consciousness and I implement this in the blog and the system (universe) gives me the means to live. Money appears out of nowhere. But we have to work. Sitting at home, $ definitely do not appear.