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RE: A simple poll and important survey in Hive and for Hive. Please, give your opinion!

in dPolllast year

It matters not a jot which one of the options you choose as they'll all have the same effect...sweet FA!
I have no idea why you're being consistently downvoted. I find you quite entertaining.


It matters not a jot which one of the options you choose as they'll all have the same effect...sweet FA!

Unfortunately, that's an orotund truth! Nonetheless, I will remain silent for a while longer sitting here, just to see what ¿others? think and 'witnessing' which of the seven options offered is the one that wins the most votes. LoL

I have no idea why you're being consistently downvoted.

Yep, that's The $64,000 Question no one has been able to answer yet. };)

I find you quite entertaining.

Thank you! I know you are one of those flamboyant specimens with a very sophisticated and heightened sense of humor.