Herbal Remedies for Cats ~ Helping Nervous Kitties ~ Tea for Cats ~ Liver Detox with Plants

in Natural Medicine2 months ago (edited)

Remedies for coughs, nervousness and even liver disease are growing just outside our doorstep. But, how to know which herbs are best for pets and in what form they can be administered? As an herbalist I go first to herbs when illness arises in our three beloved cats and have found a few very helpful remedies. Herbal medicine doesn't have to be complicated but, it is always really important to do some research and use common sense when working with the plant world.

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There isn't much reliable information online about applying herbalism to our pets. I wanted to compile three of my favorite herbs in this video and am deeply indebted to the authors of these two books for the information they have imparted:

Complete Cat Care Manual: The Ultimate Illustrated Guide to Caring for Your Cat by Andrew Edney ~ which can be found on Amazon or ThriftBooks.

As well as Dr. Kidd's Guide to Herbal Cat Care, available on Amazon
and Mountain Rose's Online Book Store

As I said in the video, these herbs are safe and are even used in human herbalism. In fact, I have been surprised at how many herbs I am already familiar with can be used to great affect to aid cats and dogs. But, this is not to say that ALL herbs are good for humans, dogs, and cats. Please do plenty of research before using a new herb, formula or medication!

Plantain and Catnip are easy, safe, plants to start out with, Your cats may even have nibbled on one of these herbs out of instinct already. Just keep in mind that any tea given to a pet should always be served (or administered) once cooled. Cat's do not like drinking hot liquid and shouldn't.

And if herbs don't seem to be helping I always consult my local vet. More often than not they are great at diagnosing ailments but have little experience using herbs as remedies. But, this will certainly change with time and I hope to help spread awareness of these homemade remedies that have made a huge difference in the life of our feline family.

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What a beautiful video dearest @calendulacraft 👑❤️‍🔥 I have mostly used only homeopathy on my cats, to amazing effects - plus diatomacious earth D.E., and lime powder against parasites/ fleas, etc... It is great to be reminded and inspired about herbs: your video is so good, too! Wonderful work 🥰🌻🤩

I love that you use homeopathy to aid your cats. I haven't explored that much but really want to! DE is amazing, we are in the height of flea season so I am using it often as well as smashed pumpkin seeds for parasites. Nature really does provide for us all! Thank you so much for your kind comment!

Oooh, nice to know about pumpkin seeds too, dear @calendulacraft ! Yes, we had fleas in the winter too this year, with it being so mild... And now the cats are coughing a bit and scratching more than usual, as it warms up increasingly. I need to do a deep-clean of their room, and wash the lower walls again with whitewash (limewash), which also helps keep the parasitic life to a minimum... I look forward to chatting more about cat health, as there is so much we can do to keep everything in balance, even in a toxic environment. I live in a street with a few abandoned houses nearby, which means lots of ideal-flea-homes which my cats pop in and out of - I need to throw some limepowder up and down the streets too, to keep on top of it all.

they are very smart, aren't they?

What a nice video! I learned something new thanks to you. Now I'm going to make my cat Bartolo some tea. 😍

Yes!! I love to hear that. Just be sure to give your cat the tea once it has cooled. Thanks so much for watching & your nice comment!!

I will!!! Thanks to you!!!

What good information. In Argentina, nepeta cataria is only available by importing seeds; it is similar to Melissa officinalis. We will have to try our luck and germinate. How beautiful those kittens. Very useful video! !love

It is true Melissa and Nepeta are very similar, for humans the medicinal benefits are almost identical. But for cats they really seem to gravitate towards Nepeta aka Hierba Gatera o Toronjil, and leave the Melissa alone for some reason. I hope the seed germination works out for you!