My Herbal Tea Journey

in Natural Medicine3 years ago

Hi fellow Natural Medicine fans,

Today I wanted to share a little bit of my own journey with natural medicinal teas and why I love it.


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My Herbal Tea Journey

One of the things that's important to me personally is to be able to help my body do things that it needs to do without the need for western medicine. This isn't always successful of course, but it is largely something I've been proud to say has been successful thus far!

One of the things I did a lot was take all kinds of supplements and thinking that it was the best thing for me and my body. I am not discounting supplements but I have learned that over time, supplements have their place but it is expensive and not always the best way to do things.

With the increased amounts of stress we are under for various reasons now, this was one of the big reasons I started to look into trying some different methods besides taking supplements in the form of pills all the time. In comes my exploration of the wonderful world of medicinal teas!

Now I'm not going to start citing to oblivion the different teas, literature and other things because anybody can do that and claim it's awesome!!!!!11


I want to just say that I take the company at their word and see what the different tea combinations are and what they say they help alleviate. If I'm sick, I know that things like elderberry as well as echinacea and all that are going to help me. Pretty basic for me. What I don't have a lot of knowledge in and experience is the different other things so I purchase a bunch of different kinds and see what works and what doesn't work.


I particularly enjoy that since I don't drink coffee any longer, or any other caffeine as well, that I have gone down the teas path because of the different flavors that are out there! I know that the Sweet Clementine is one that helps with stress support but what I didn't expect was that the combination of herbs and all that they use tastes freaking delicious! It is one of my favorite teas right now. Ashwagandha and Moringa? Not so much lol. I still enjoy the different types of teas though, they all have their own use for me.


I was always one that thought herbal teas were disgusting and tasted terrible! Thankfully I realized that it was a combination of a few factors, one of them being that I was buying the wrong brands in my opinion! Some of them don't have good formulations to make it palatable while others like Yogi here do a really great job at making the tea taste good and have excellent health benefits as well.

I kind of find it fun, in my own way, to look at my cabinet full of different tea choices and determine what one I will be drinking that morning. Some I am looking forward to enjoying, while others I know that I have to pair it with some food or other tea in order to stand it. The important thing for me though is that doing this is a way for me to get lots of different nutrients and benefits all at once! Taking supplements is okay but it's hard to get micronutrients and all that with doing that. The teas, I think, have given me a really good amount of additional benefits besides the advertised focused thing on the label! It could very well all be bullshit placebo's but I would like to think that it isn't, so that's what I'm going with!


Have you gotten into herbal teas? What have been some of your favorites? I would love to learn about it!

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 3 years ago  

Love It! I like the kava and ash/moringa ones the best - would love to try those! Not a fan of fruity teas much. #theherbalhive xx

It's funny, the ones with a more fruity and pleasant taste are my preferred ones! I really disliked other herbal teas I've tried because they are harsh. Maybe I'll eventually graduate to appreciate those as well one day!

I've been drinking that yogi immune /stress or something, i have a big bix of herbal teas and also gave up coffee several years ago...i spike my tea with acerola powder for vitamin c and it is great! i like rooibos and turmeric ginger and i always like to try something new and different. had some delicious tea at an Ethiopian restaurant last week-it tasted exactly like big red chewing gum

That's great! The herbal teas are definitely one of my favorite things to do now. I love the taste of coffee but had to stop it for various reasons. Now that I'm getting into herbal teas, I have found a replacement for my cups of coffee. That was hard to do for a while, finding a replacement lol.

I know I've had rooibos but I can't recall the flavor of it specifically. I'll have to see if I can find it at one of the local stores, I know it's a popular one.

That Ethiopian tea sounds phenomenal, I love when we experience that type of stuff. I tried some tea out at a place a few weeks ago and it was good except that it was crazy expensive so I wasn't too happy about that lol

yeah tea is a ridiculous mark-up and i feel down right stupid ordering get a box of what, 20 tea bags for 3$ and they charge you $2 or more for hot water and a cup? i think thats why some places try to do "fancy" loose leaf or some high end tea brand-to justify paying the high price🤣

ill have a cup in the morning before work or maybe take my thermos filled to work...heck, ive been known to bring my own tea bag into dunkin or the gas station or whatever and just use their cup or hot water...most of the time they wont charge you anyway!