Practicing Better Posture

This was taken in 2015 after having three children. I was consciously practicing good posture for the photo.

I have been considered tall for my age since I can remember. I was always one of the tallest girls in my class during my Elementary and Junior High school years.

I remember when I was in fourth grade and some of my classmates would talk about me being a giant or how they felt they had to get on their tippy toes just to talk to me. They weren’t trying to be mean but it really hurt my feelings.

Can you guess what I did?

I would intentionally walk and sit slouched over to make it appear as if I were shorter. I didn’t think it would hurt anything but it sure got them to stop making comments for awhile.

My mom noticed me doing this one day and had a talk with me about my posture. She told me that if I kept doing this that one day I would be slouched over permanently. She told me it wasn’t worth messing up my body just because I was taller than the average kid.

I just wanted to fit in and didn’t like being the odd ball.

I even wore shoes that were too small for me. Yep, long narrow feet go with a tall slinky body.

I had the biggest feet and was so embarrassed by them. I would secretly wear shoes that hurt my feet just to make it look as if I had cute small ones like the average girl my age.

Eventually my parents found out and couldn’t believe I was putting myself through that pain just to make my feet look smaller. I wouldn’t tell them I needed new shoes, I just kept wearing my olds ones instead of going up a size or two. I believe one of them noticed my toes curled up in a pair and that’s when it was all revealed.

This was my junior prom. Can you guess which one is me? Even without those massive heels I was still the tallest. Nevertheless at this point I had already accepted my height and wore it proudly. 😁


I think about those times and how I used to handle myself. Now as an adult I love my height and am proud to be a tall woman. I am 5’7” and wear a size 10 shoe. The downside to having bigger feet now is the fact when I find a really cute shoe I like most likely they stop at size 8. 😏

Anyhoo, the habit I formed from slouching over so much has really caught up with me.

I try to consciously remember to sit straight or walk with my shoulders back but it’s not something that comes naturally.

I’ve noticed now when I slouch...I REALLLLLY slouch over. It’s almost like I have trained my body to have bad posture and it is causing back pains like never before.

I remember in my early twenties seeing an elderly couple walking together and both of their backs were so hunched over that it looked painful. I immediately thought if I don’t start straightening up my posture I could end up like that in my elderly years.

It’s just more comfortable to slump over. It is work for me to try to keep my body aligned properly while I am sitting or standing.

Good posture is truly a conscious effort.

How Poѕтυre Aғғecтѕ Oυr Heαlтн

Having bad posture has a negative effect on our health. When we slump or slouch over it can:

• Misalign your musculoskeletal system
• Wear away at your spine, making it more fragile and prone to injury
• Cause neck, shoulder, and back pain
• Decrease your flexibility
• Affect how well your joints move
• Affect your balance and increase your risk of falling
• Make it harder to digest your food
• Make it harder to breathe

Whoa! 😧

Makes plenty of sense why I've been having neck and back pains. There goes one of those if I knew then what I know now moments. 😩

I really could use a chiropractor right now. I wish regular medical insurance would cover things like that.

There is only one time I was able to visit one and get my body realigned (it was the most amazing feeling btw). It was when a former employer had to pay for it due to me developing carpal tunnel while working there. Thank goodness after leaving that job it never got worse or seemed to never resurface again.

No point in dwelling over what we can't have. I know we can't afford a chiropractic visit at the moment so I looked up other things we can do at home to help improve our posture...

Good Poѕтυre Prαcтιceѕ


In general we just need to be mindful of our posture throughout the day while doing our various activities.

Are we moving around enough? Are we stretching? Exercising and keeping our muscles flexible? Are work stations at comfortable levels so our bodies won't have to overextend or be in awkward positions?

If we can make a conscious effort to check these things daily it could help improve our posture.

Here are more helpful guidelines to follow while sitting and standing:

When sitting -

• Switch sitting positions often
• Take brief walks around your office or home
• Gently stretch your muscles every so often to help relieve muscle tension
• Don't cross your legs; keep your feet on the floor, with your ankles in front of your knees
• Make sure that your feet touch the floor, or if that's not possible, use a footrest
• Relax your shoulders; they should not be rounded or pulled backwards
• Keep your elbows in close to your body. They should be bent between 90 and 120 degrees.
• Make sure that your back is fully supported. Use a back pillow or other back support if your chair does not have a backrest that can support your lower back's curve.
• Make sure that your thighs and hips are supported. You should have a well-padded seat, and your thighs and hips should be parallel to the floor.

When standing -

• Stand up straight and tall
• Keep your shoulders back
• Pull your stomach in
• Put your weight mostly on the balls of your feet
• Keep your head level
• Let your arms hang down naturally at your sides
• Keep your feet about shoulder-width apart

Seems like a lot huh? Like with most things, practice can become habit. If we could pull a few things from this list and really focus on them for a few days, it's possible that it could become second nature.

I have such a bad habit of crossing my legs. I was once told if I kept crossing my legs over my knees that I could develop arthritis in them. I don't cross them as much after being told that lol.

I also have to admit I haven't been sticking to my workout routine. I know that working out my core muscles particularly around my abdomen helps me to feel stronger and better. If I can get my core muscles strong again I am sure that will help ease my back pains.

When I had my last baby two years ago my midwife explained to me if I didn't get my core muscles strong again that I would have really bad back problems. I developed Diastasis Recti which is a separation of the abdominal muscles. I have closed the gap quite a bit but there is still a lot of work to do. The stronger my ab muscles became the stronger I felt. I really need to get motivated to get back to strengthening my core.

The anatomy of the human body...we learn in school how all of our parts work together. If one part is suffering eventually the others will break down. This is why it is so important to take care of our whole bodies. In my case I need to start with the core and work my way around to giving every part some TLC.

Iɴ Coɴclυѕιoɴ...

I really want to do better by intentionally and consciously working on improving my posture. I know in order to do this I also have to stick to my regular stretching and workout routines.

I'm on my way to hitting 40 this year. It's not too late to get myself whipped back into shape. I am sitting here right now with a crook in my neck because I turned the wrong way too fast. That's from unstretched muscles and a body that doesn't move around as much as it needs to.

Another aspect is from being a homeschooler. I sit down most of the day to teach. I do get up to move around here and about the house but for the majority I am stationary.

With the weather getting warmer I can now get out more with the kids for recess and run around with them and get my body moving more. I can't sit around and be stiff, I have too many energetic and vibrant children that need their mommy to keep up. 😄

𝐇𝐨𝐰'𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞?

All photos are my own.

Thanks for Reading ~


I am also 5'7' tall and at school I was ashamed to be taller than all my friends, I even deprived myself of wearing heels so as not to be taller than some of my male friends hahahaha. What a stupid thing. Standing tall is very important, it is difficult to do it unconsciously for me. you know, after a while I realize I've been bent over for quite some time and I think 'oh no'. It is good that you have become aware of this, even more so with all the benefits it brings to our body.

I feel the same way. Looking back at that now I see how silly it was to feel that way about being tall...but when you’re young and in that moment all you focus on is what you’re currently feeling.

I do the same thing. I will eventually feel how bad my posture is (it helps when pain arrives to remind me lol) and then I immediately straighten myself up.

Yes, I am so glad I am more aware and able to work on it more.

Thanks so much for visiting and adding your input.

My posture isn't great but it's way better than it used to be. I make conscious effort to sit up straight when sewing on my machine and I stopped having neck and back pains. I guess changing my mattress also played a part in getting rid of the pains.

I also try to walk with my head up but it's hard when it's a sunny day because I'm light sensitive. I then slouch in trying to avoid sun rays entering my eyes. Other than that, my posture isn't bad anymore.

I'm also 5"7 and I never really felt like a tall person because there are taller people everywhere. Nigerians are generally heighty people.

It is good you practice good posture while sewing. My mom has done that for years because she didn't want to have back pains with sewing being her profession.

We recently changed our mattress too but it doesn’t seem to be working. My husband wants us to try these cube pillows which is supposed to help keep your neck and back aligned.


I can definitely understand why you never felt tall.

Thanks for reading and commenting ~

I've never seen cube pillows before. I'd like to know how it goes when you try it

For sure. I will definitely update how it goes ;)

A very good topic. I have to consciously make sure I don't thrust my neck forward so I don't become an old lady with a hump on my back. But even if your body is heading that way, it's fixable.

It is such a conscious effort. I have that same problem with thrusting my neck forward. I see just how bad I do this when looking at some of the photos I'm in. I'm like "was I really that slouched over?"

So true and I'm so glad it is fixable :)

I appreciate your interaction with my post. Thank you ~


Thanks :)

You are welcome ;-)

 3 years ago (edited) 

Oh mine was big boobs - I used to slouch to hide them. Thank God for my yogi Dad who'd come up behind me, thread his arms underneath mine and pull my shoulders back, and say brashly: 'SHOULDERS BACK TITS OUT'. It wasn't about my boobs, he said, it was about my posture.

Fascia is where it's at - the fascia 'sticks' to whatever shape we tend to be in all the time. It's how we recognise someone from their gait or movement from a long way away - like a body thumbprint. But with practice, we can reshape our body. It's why I love yin yoga too, as it works on all of that.

Have you ever tried butterfly pose/fish pose with a block between your shoulder blades or at your bra line? It's great for opening up the shoulders.


Posted on

Haha oh wow we were total opposites. I tried to make it seem like I had boobs because that was another way I was an odd came so late lol.

I always learn so much from your comments. I never knew the term fascia until now.

I have never tried that but I may have some boards around here that would work. Thank you so much for this tip!

Regarding posture I think for myself I have to be conscious of my posture every time I sit in front of a computer. Most of the time I'll sit correctly then a couple of hours later I am slouching. What helped me is that I try to get up and walk for a minute and then sit down again.

It's like resetting and every time I approach the chair I am deliberately making my posture correct.

I like that method. Good idea to get up and walk around and then reposition yourself.

I usually use my laptop while sitting on the couch because it's more comfortable...but so bad on my back. I really need to make an effort to sit in our computer chairs at the desk more often.

Thank you for chiming in :)

I remember when I was 11 years old. I am the tallest guy in our class!! Haha. I am so shy and always bow my head! My height was 5'4" when I was 11 years old. And now, I am only 5'10" height. (^_^)

Lol you were tall and shy. 😄

Me being ashamed of my height made me more shy than I really was.

Wow, you really nailed it, keeping up a good posture is not that easy for females ad they use to say but you looking nice and kept like this even three kids, you deserve a thumbs up

It really is a lot of work keeping up with our posture, especially the older in years we get.

Thank you so much, I really appreciate that. I use that photo as a motivator to remind me that I can have good posture ;)

 3 years ago  

I’m 5'6", but also a late grower, so I never had this issue. I was just quiet and self conscious, didn't like looking people in the eye, so I spent far too long looking at the ground. 😅

Over the last few years I started having the strangest problems with my upper arm muscles leading from my shoulder. First one side then when that settled it started up a bit later on the other side, but worse. Fast movement made it cramp and send pains and ounds and needles down my arm and I lost so much range, couldn't even raise it above my head properly. I started working on my posture and slowly, gently stretching it and it's back to normal. I probably still have a way to go, but posture is certainly something I'm much more careful with now. My shoulders still don't sit back as much as I'd like and my head still sits forward, but if my mum can make a difference at her age I'm determined to crack this.

You're not alone, I was self conscious about so many things.

Oh wow. Did that shoulder condition cause back pains? I am so glad that we can fix our posture with time and practice. Isn’t it amazing how much relief we can get just from stretching? Even if I don’t get my workout in stretching makes me feel so much better.

Thanks for joining the convo ~ 😊

 3 years ago  

No, thankfully no issues with my back. I do occasionally have issues with my tail bone, because the tip is mobile. I just have to made sure I don't sit in certain positions with that though.

Bad posture essentially stole 6 years of my life. I don’t talk about it much but The reason I learned Chinese massage theory and became so aware of my body is because I had one of those “mysterious” ailments that doctors cannot seem to solve. Basically my whole body would suddenly become stiff where bones would easily move out of place temporarily and slightly if I made any exaggerated movements. Luckily a combination of painfully direct massage and physical training has helped me get back to good posture and be able to work again. My body is still getting used to it but I get better every year.

Don’t be ashamed, you are fantastic as you are.

Wow I have never heard of anything like this before. I can imagine how painful that must have been for you.

So glad to hear that physical training and massaging has helped you. I hope you continue to feel even better and better. 🙂

Thank you very much. I’ve come along way in being able to accept how my body was designed. I can now confidently say I love my height. 😌
Now I just have to work on keeping it upright. 😄

Thanks so much for sharing your experience with me ~

I was always taught the best way to improve posture is to imagine when you're walking, you're a puppet on a string that passes through the centre of your head and out through your bum and is pulled tight...that way, your head remains central to the rest of your body and keeps your back straight which automatically pushes your shoulders back a little....
Best wishes and life doesn't begin at 40, it just gets a whole lot more fun :-)

Oh what a graphic! 😄 That's definitely the goal lol.

Thank you. I’ve been having mixed feelings about turning 40 so that comment was great. Still can’t believe I’m leaving my 30’s. 😬

Nice Post

Thank you :)