This is my participation in the @naturalmedicine contest

Oddly enough, despite being a doctor and a nurse, it is very rare that I publish content related to medicine or health on my blog. I am passionate about cryptocurrencies and blockchain, and that has brought me to this platform, but I came across this contest: In Celebration of the Launch of Adiwa Thrive - Win up to 100 HIVE! and I wanted to participate after reading the theme.


I didn't know that word, so last night in that reading process I spent some time reading other topics, and as a Venezuelan, I am trapped by the wisdom of my ancestors, those aborigines who live in natural harmony, with their own social rules that respond to a particular reality very different from ours, but not because it is different is it inferior.

In fact I think they have a very deep culture full of beauty from the simplicity that implies the natural. Knowing that one word, Adiwa, from a Venezuelan tribe means so many things, so many feelings, made me go back and step on the ground, away from the daily routine, something I must say I liked it. But with so many words that I've written so far it seems like I haven't commented on that word adiwa,but it also refers to awareness,and to note the transcendence that a word from a tribe could have on us from this platform is to become aware of something that's important,don't you think?

A word that leads us to think and feel so many other things, very deep must be, just as deep must be the culture that created it. At least that's how I see it. It also means health, well, in everyday life when that word is mentioned most people think of hospitals, doctors, clinics, and if I'm honest, those are more related to disease than anything else. There is a misconception of what health really is, not ben as a state of general well-being, they focus on seeing good when you really should go beyond.

For me, being in wellness implies many things, starting with that harmonious relationship we could have with the environment around us, enjoying more the natural, going to a park than being among concrete walking in a shopping center. Really socializing, feeling grateful for what we have, because we can talk, express ourselves in different ways. That is to achieve balance between us and the world, in the end, we are part of it, a small particle within this universe, so why and for what are you looking for imbalance?

Only by being unhindered personally we can have fluidity in our actions and achieve that harmony that we are looking for, bring with it that feeling of well being, which will allow us to forgive and overcome what makes us heavy in our minds, with full awareness that health will accompany us, without the need for more medicine than that provided by our own body.

I am a scientist, but science has its limits, I recognize them, nature is infinite, as well as the universe and the possibilities it offers us, it is probable that if we lean more towards nature from respect, it will give us back more than what we give it.

Thank you very much @naturalmedicine and @adiwathrive for this opportunity.



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Note: Emojis used are from the Bitmoji application.


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 4 years ago  

Adiwa is a word in Wotujja dialect and not just any word, it is the most beautiful word you can say or wish for a chawarawa (friend). I never thought I'd see the beauty of Adiwa being shared in blockchain before!

How nice that you got out of your routine to write a little bit of Adiwa mindfulness.

Thank you chawarawa @auelitairene for making me know that other word. And important is the significance it might have on this blockchain. At least for those of us who might be on another quest. I think it's a good time to regain balance, we have time to do it, and feel better about ourselves.
Yeah, it was nice to get out of the rut. A necessary exit.

So glad you joined us at Natural Medicine for this topic!

Curated for #naturalmedicine by @minismallholding.

We encourage content about health & wellness - body, mind, soul and earth. We are an inclusive community with two basic rules: Proof of Heart (kindness prevails) & Proof of Brain (original content). Read more here.

Our website also rewards with its own Lotus token & we'd love you to join our community in Discord. Delegate to @naturalmedicine & be supported with upvotes, reblog, tips, writing inspiration challenges for a chance to win HIVE and more. Click here to join the #naturalmedicine curation trail!

Hello @naturalmedicine
Thank you for your comment, it was a pleasure to participate.
I also appreciate that you left those links to learn about the community, it has called my attention a lot to the approach of Trial of the heart, it is something quite original, and that should not bother anyone, unless the will to help is not present in it.

I will be, as far as possible, publishing in the Community, I will keep in mind that the images themselves, generally make more sense, of course.
Thank you very much and Thanks for the support.

 4 years ago  

Only by being unhindered personally we can have fluidity in our actions and achieve that harmony that we are looking for, bring with it that feeling of well being, which will allow us to forgive and overcome what makes us heavy in our minds, with full awareness that health will accompany us, without the need for more medicine than that provided by our own body.

This is Such a good explanation of health. It does mean that wellness is a lifelong journey too...

THANKYOU for your insights!!!

If we can't totally worry about our health only when we feel bad, the logical thing to do is to stay well permanently. All our lives, that's fine.

Thank you for your comment @riverflows