Wrapping up the Yoga Challenge!

in Natural Medicine3 years ago
The journey from creating the yoga challenge to this moment has been profound and life-changing. It forced me to contemplate whether or not I have been living my everyday life from a place of integrity and made me question my motives behind my actions and what I share here on the platform. To be 100% honest, I must say that I visited hell, where I fully experienced the darkest part of me, Anger towards myself. It was horrid.


The positive and conscious intentions:

  • Spread love and Yoga
  • Emanate peace
  • Having fun
  • Giving from the heart

The shadow of the above:

  • Getting rid of emptiness and loneliness by finding people to whom I can connect.
  • Fulfil the need of being useful.
  • Looking for a sense of belonging and being understood.

It Has been a struggle lately to deal with the worldwide changes and accept that my family agrees with it all. They got the vaccine and, their choice made me angry and sad. I feel lost and cannot comprehend what the heck is going on? How come? Why?

Anyways, the yoga challenge came about from a place of lack and not a place of peace within me. I learned throughout this Yoga challenge that I practice Yoga because I experience a miserable state of being most days. Yoga is free and is an effective tool to move energy and shift a shitty mood to a neutral state. It also keeps the body healthy, but there is a taff side to it: I have to deal with everything uncomfortable that shows up.
One of those was: Why on earth no one participated in the Yoga challenge?

Immediate insight:
  • My energy, if I am putting out a yoga challenge from a place of lack energetically lack I get.
  • Peoples priorities are different. Not everyone has the time and space to practice. Not everyone is interested in the subject and, life gets busy.
  • Not everyone is experiencing a miserable state of being! Thank god :D. When I reflect on what took me to a yoga class, it was despair and my last choice of all options. It is hard to practice and requires discipline and consistency to work.

Who am I to think that a yoga challenge is a way to spread love and Yoga? It might or might not.

I don't know how to conclude the yoga challenge. So I am, sharing my experience of creating a yoga challenge. What came up for me.
I am grateful to all of you who supported the challenge. @naturalmedicine community is in my heart at all times!

I also want to mention my ideas for future posts. I will be getting rid of the business side of moon yoga so that I share from a place of integrity. Business does not align with who I am right now. I will be sharing with you whatever my heart sings: Yoga, Ayurveda, sustainable actions I take, what brings me joy, tarot/oracle readings, astrology, gardening, time in nature, my rebel nature, thoughts, feelings, inspirations.

I had enough of living to fit into societies norms. I have to thank you all because it was through sharing here that I was able to see this pattern. All I can guarantee is inconsistency. Nothing about being myself and create from a place of integrity is consistent. All I aim for in life is all my actions being for the highest good of all!

Much love, light and blessings

Posted on NaturalMedicine.io


There's so much I can relate to here, especially the frustration over this:

It Has been a struggle lately to deal with the worldwide changes and accept that my family agrees with it all. They got the vaccine and, their choice made me angry and sad.

Luckily I have a twin sister, here in Portugal, who is on my side ( to put it like that ) but it's my family in The Netherlands that I struggle with and especially due to the ill health of my father ( who has heart and long issues and has been depressed for 25 years ).

I wrote this piece about it, a while ago, but it's still a sensitive issue:


My dilemma right now is what to do if I really need to go home to visit my father. I haven't been in The Netherlands for over a year now and he is growing old fast.

Sending you a big hug. Probably won't take too long to reach you, as you're pretty close by ;<)

P.S. This part also vibrated with me:

I will be getting rid of the business side of moon yoga so that I share from a place of integrity. Business does not align with who I am right now.

as I am about to finish my first book and some comments on my last post made me think of the business side, that I feel I don't necessarily need to deal with.

@vincentnijman I resonate with your blog post so much. I am going through the same thing with my family. I don't understand why vaccinated people like our parents are so concerned with being together with unvaccinated people (us). In the end of the day they are protected and immune, They got vaccinated, makes them feel safe I assume, why avoiding being together? I don't get it.
I am glad to hear you have a twin sister with the same views and values, during these weird times is so important to have support!
I would love to hear more about your dilemma of visiting your father and going back to the Netherlands. I am in a similar situation but to the USA and I have been for months now not knowing what to do. I really do not want to take the vaccine neither I want to never see my loved ones.

Thank you for sharing really gives me hope meeting people on the same page as me.
What is about, the book you are writing?

I am sending you big fat triple size and mega fast Hugs filled with clarity, joy and peace!

ps: we might do a little gathering at some point before autumn. If it happens I will invite you and your sister/and tribe to join. We are nearly neighbours. There is no excuses not to meet up :P ahah

I appreciate this thoughtful comment of yours a lot.

It sure helps to have a twin sister and loads of like minded people around. I wonder if I would have taken the vaccine, if I were still living in The Netherlands, in a city. It wouldn't feel much better though.

I would love to hear more about your dilemma of visiting your father and going back to the Netherlands. I am in a similar situation but to the USA and I have been for months now not knowing what to do. I really do not want to take the vaccine neither I want to never see my loved ones.

It's a huge dilemma and I didn't realize you had family outside of Portugal ( and even Europe ) yourself.

Looking forward to your invitation/ meeting up in the near future. If you'd like to chat beforehand, feel free to let me know. Are you, by any chance on Discord? This is my username on there: VincentNijman ZENsitivosaurus#5870

Your hugs were well received. In return, I am sending you a ( not so ) long distance hug full of helpful vibes :<)

Yes i am in discord, I am not very active at the time being. It is quite overwhelming, such a big platform and I never know how to talk in the open chats, ahah. I will get in touch soon, I will find you on discord :D

I totally get the overwhelming part. I keep installing and deleting the discord app from my phone ( to give you an example ) and have similar love-hate relationships with a lot of media.

Looking forward to our chat!

P.S. If you have trouble adding me, try this: VincentNijmanZENsitivosaurus#5870 ( same user name as above but then without a space inbetween my name and the dino part ) ;<)

I just found your recent blogs on your book! I will read to know what is about :D

I appreciate that :<)
muito obrigado!

I just found your recent blogs on your book! I will read to know what is about :D

Perhaps this challenge, in the end was more for you. I really appreciate the fact that you held it, but at the time I had and to be honest have so much going on in my life that it was hard to make the time. Sometimes by offering something, it is upon reflection that we really see why that offering came about. Thank you for sharing your journey with this and I look forward to the many more offerings you give. xxxxx

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Curated for #naturalmedicine by @trucklife-family. Come join us in in our new LOTUS CHAT - anyone can join, even without a HIVE account! Check it out here. Did you know that you can earn a badge from @hivebuzz for posting about #mentalhealthawareness? Read more details here! divider.fw.png

We encourage content about health & wellness - body, mind, soul and earth. We are an inclusive community with two basic rules: Proof of Heart (kindness prevails) & Proof of Brain (original content). Our website also rewards with its own Lotus token & we'd love you to join our community in Discord. Delegate to @naturalmedicine & be supported with upvotes, reblog, tips, writing inspiration challenges for a chance to win HIVE and more. Click here to join the #naturalmedicine curation trail! We also encourage you to follow our sister accounts, @lotusshares and @uplotus for announcements and reblogs.

Thank you @naturalmedicine @trucklife-family for passing by and sharing with me your love, it is all I need right now, Love.
I 100% agree with you, the challenge was for me! it changed my life. I am still digesting all the changes that I implemented in the last 2 weeks.
I am so grateful to your support and kind words! sending you blessings

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