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RE: The first HIVE electroculture community 🌱

in Natural Medicine β€’ last year

Not too serious I hope ;)

But certainly it seems clear that electroculture is making a comeback at this time in human history and it won't be long before this community is super busy, packed with awesome info and people getting great results.

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Yup! For survival, more people will get involved and we would see copper spiral everywhere including pyramids!
I have to get back at my old dowsing rods! Used to do dowsing just for fun long time ago.

L🍎ve that vision!

A world in which people are connected by their efforts to give the earth what it desires :)

Yes! Dowsing rods are so completely awesome. I know this may sound weird but I feel as if I am not alone any more thanks to two L shapes pieces of copper. Am sure if you start using them again after a long time away it will feel totally different. Any question you can think of... the answer is within your reach.

I have lots of questions about dowsing and laylines. I have to practice dowsing again soon.