Soup Stories #2: Winter Schatz Soup / 冬の宝物のスープ

in Foodies Bee Hivelast year (edited)


I love the name "Winter Schatz Soup". Schatz means "treasure" in German.

Last year at a small gathering of local marketeers, a friend of mine who is a food educator and organizer of the market served this soup. I heard the name of this soup and have loved it ever since.

There are no specific ingredients for this soup. It is made with whatever vegetables are in the season, namely treasures. It can be potage-like, or it can be with vegetable chunks. There is no strict rule of this soup. This is also what I like about it.

My Winter Schats Soup this time contains butter, garlic, ginger, leeks, parsnips, potatoes, and milk. Since winter came earlier this year in Germany and it has already snowed, I wanted to make a white winter-ish soup. Then I chose the combination of ingredients. I spread chives on top to add a bright green color. It's good to have colors in winter to keep our mood up :)

The recipe is simple:

  1. Cut vegetables into pieces
  2. Saute them in a pot with butter and a pinch of salt
  3. Add white wine and steam for a few minutes
  4. Add hot water, and simmer for 20-30 minutes until the vegetables are tender (I used a pressure cooker to cook the vegetables in a short time due to concerns about the rising cost of electricity in Germany ...)
  5. Add milk and potage in a blender.
  6. Warm up the soup again and season with salt to taste.
  7. Sprinkle chives and it is ready to serve!

With the vegetables I chose this time, it was a tender winter soup that made me feel warm from my eyes and my stomach. Try it with whatever vegetables you have in the fridge! It can be Spring, Summer and Autumn Schatz Soup 😁

Soup Stories Series

私はWinter Schatz Soup(ウィンター・シャッツ・スープ)という名前が大好きです。Schatzとはドイツ語で「宝物」を意味する単語です。



私が今回作ったWinter Schats Soupには、バター、ニンニク、生姜、西洋ネギ、パースニップ、ジャガイモ、牛乳が入っています。今年は冬の訪れがはやく、もう雪も降ったので、白いスープにしたかったのもあり、こんな材料の組み合わせになりました。スープの上にちらしたのは、日本で言うところの芽ネギかな、ドイツではシュニットラオホ、英語ではチャイブと呼ばれています。


冬の根菜を使って、お腹の底から暖まるいいスープになりました。冷蔵庫にある野菜でぜひ試してみてください。野菜の選び方次第では春夏秋冬のシャッツスープになりますよ 😁

Soup Storiesシリーズのこれまでの投稿


I follow your post with pleasure because I'm a soup lover too, I know this kind of German soup, so yummy and perfect for winter.

Hi @noemilunastorta, I'm happy to read your comment. I'm curious to Tuscan soups after I read your comment for the last soup post. I bookmarked a list of Tuscun Soups so that I can try them over this winter :)

Soft and creamy! The bread looks tasty too, I want to spread some ajvar on it and start dunking. Because sometimes table manners aren't the most important thing.

Happy to read your compliment to the bread. I baked it by myself 😁 It was my first time to hear about ajvar. But it seems it's in German supermarkets. I must find it. Interestingly I spread paprika paste on the bred. What a coincidence!

And yes yes, table manners are sometimes secondary. Enjoying the food and the atmosphere is important.

スープシリーズいいですね。ご飯に困ったときは @akipponn さんの投稿を参考にします!

djynnさんの旦那さんがパースニップをどう使うのか気になります。パースニップ、私はドイツに移って存在を知ったものの、どう使っていいかわからず眺めるばかりだったのですが、瓶入りのベビーフードでよく使われていて子供に食べさせがてら私も食べるようになりました。まだレシピのバリエーションが少なくて、スープを起点に開拓したいです 😊

ご飯に困ったときのために @sumi さんや @suminyan10 さんに帰ってきてほしいー!