Searching For Fast Internet Connection and Nice Coffee

in Foodies Bee Hive2 years ago (edited)

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Rainy days seem to create poor internet connection mostly in the area where I live. But feeling bad all the time is not the solution to a great day.


Bad internet connection in the rainy day makes me feel like a bad person too, because I can not work well.

I have to do various tasks online, and I have to find a good internet connection.

So I decided to go to a coffee shop in the middle of the city. I went to a cafe in the middle of the city. Glad, I found a good place with nice coffee and fast internet connection!




Rain is still a wonderful thing to enjoy, with coffee and french fries. ❤️

I share a video of me at work while enjoying coffee and french fries. I hope you guys enjoy my video.

Thank you for watching my vlog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading and watching by others.


Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Make sure you follow her blog as well for some interesting discussions about life other than food.
If you need a copywriter for your projects, Anggrek Lestari will be ready to help you.

Contact Person: [email protected]
Discord: anggreklestari#3009

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Hi lovely! I love seeing you just enjoying little things like that! There are days when we get into some troubles like internet does not work, being late for work and can not get a taxi... and though they are not like the world is collapsing, but it makes us go "ughhhh"! 😆
And then... just being able to fix such thing will completely change our whole day! 😋
You have a smile that makes me feel peaceful so lots of times I enjoy seeing you in videos the most!
Have a good day there! And thank you for all your work on Hive and support for us Hivers too! 😊

Hate the day when Internet go slowly, We can't opened Hive well especially cannot loading Images lol 😂

Have a good day for you 🌸❤️

In Viet Nam we would say "the sharks already chewed the internet wires under the sea again" 😆
Merry Christmas lovely! 😊🥳🥳🥳

Happy Holiday 🌸❤️

Coffee has become a delicacy for the soul of every person, who looks to coffee as a source of creative inspiration at work. The first song in the video is so good and you're so pretty

Coffee gives me another level of mood and inspiration:)

I’m glad you enjoy my video. Still needed more practice to make good video for me :)

Have a great day for you

I have to do various tasks online, and I have to find a good internet connection.

Are you using mobile internet connection? Nowadays I have a Telenor mobile internet, and I used Vodafone in the past. I switched the service provider, because Telenor have better signal coverage than Vodafone, where I live, but rain does not affect the quality of their services. Or at least I have not noticed it so far.

In my living area, the possible thing is using mobile internet:)

Nowadays having trouble. In the past I have no problem with it.

So now I have to find good public spaces forthe internet:)

Great place to have a cup of coffee, sis!

Indeed sis. I feel comfortable to work there too, with my laptop 😊

Have a great day sis 🌸

That's great, sis :). Have a great day too😊

You look so cute , and the writing style i really like 👏😊

Thank you :)

Beautiful photos, the fries are delicious, I love the fries too.

My sister looks very beautiful.

Thanks :)

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moving house with the best internet network @anggreklestari

Coffee gives me an amazing feeling especially when I take it in the morning

I also really like the taste of drinking coffee when it is raining. By the way I really like your video editing.

When I saw you drinking coffee, while gettinglunchthis time, I thought of drinking coffee.

I like your energy. You always cheerful in every situation.

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